Taking Inventory

Written by Sandra Portis

Where were you born? Who are you? How old are you? Sometimesrepparttar simplest questions can result inrepparttar 130082 most complex answers depending uponrepparttar 130083 various stages in our lives.

If you were to pose these questions torepparttar 130084 average person onrepparttar 130085 street, you might receive a variety of answers ranging from a geographical location to their detailed resume. The sad truth is that most people identify themselves by what they do as opposed to who they are. As a result, it is very difficult for individuals to take inventory of their skills and talents when contemplating a career change or lifestyle shift.

Because so many individuals identify themselves by their careers, their definitions change asrepparttar 130086 corporate climate changes. In an age where downsizing and outsourcing have becomerepparttar 130087 norm, individuals are being forced to reevaluate their lives and careers and seek fulfillment independent ofrepparttar 130088 corporate environment. For those who have worked withinrepparttar 130089 same industry for ten or more years, this can result in a major culture shock. When you've been defined by your employer for so long, what are you to do whenrepparttar 130090 relationship has been severed without your concurrence?

For those who are fortunate enough to makerepparttar 130091 decision to change careers of their own accord,repparttar 130092 process begins long before change is attempted. They become clock-watchers. They begin calling in sick. They develop an eye disease. You knowrepparttar 130093 one where they couldn't see themselves coming intorepparttar 130094 office that day. All are just symptoms ofrepparttar 130095 overall problem - job dissatisfaction.

A Gratitude Poem for Mattie Stepanek

Written by Dave Czach

The following poem came to me while thinking about Mattie and reading my Science of Mind magazine. Althoughrepparttar poem arrived after Mattie's transition, I'm confident he'll receive it.

Thank You Mattie

by Dave Czach

Thank you for your wonderful words... The elegance of a poet, The message of a messiah, The tenderness of a child.

Thank you for your compassion... The caring of a teacher, The patience of a priest, The enthusiasm of a child.

Thank you for your positive outlook... The vision of a leader, The coach of life, The exuberance of a child.

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