Taking Control of Your Workspace

Written by Glenn Beach

Let's face it: it's HARD to always be "on" when you're at work. No matter how much you try, evenrepparttar best-laid plans and schedules break down; sometimes it seems like allrepparttar 104703 forces are against you. You can get discouraged, weary, frustrated and unfocused. You can blame your boss, your spouse, interruptions, computer crashes, too much work, too little time...the list goes on and on.

When it comes right down to it, though, we each have to take responsibility for our work environments. It's up to us to create pride and excellence in our workplaces. We need to take responsibility for our own productivity, morale, creativity, motivation and sense of humor that we bring to our work.

You say "but stuff just happens that I have no control over." That's true. "Stuff" will happen, so it's your job to come up with disaster prevention and back-up plans. Interruptions and snafus don't need to become setbacks. Lists and schedules makerepparttar 104704 world go round. Be sure to prioritize, and take note of a few things that could be realistically postponed, if need be. Speaking of realism...be realistic in estimating how long it will take you to dorepparttar 104705 tasks at hand.

Computer maintenance can make a big difference in minimizing downtime. Regular virus scans, firewalls, defragmentation, and file back-ups are crucial to maintaining computer health and well-being.

There are a few well-known organizational tips worth repeating. My personal favorite is not touching mail more than once. I sit down withrepparttar 104706 mail at my desk, waste basket on one side, file cabinet atrepparttar 104707 other, and sticky notes in front of me. If it's junk, toss. If you can deal with it right now, do it, then toss it or add a sticky note withrepparttar 104708 details and file it. You aren't going to deal with it right away? Then sticky note and file it. Do NOT just add it to a pile on your desk. Can you tell piles of papers are my personal Waterloo?

My other favorite is standing up when someone comes into my workplace. It doesn't matter who it is or what'srepparttar 104709 reason. The message to myself is: this is my workplace and I am here to work. If I'm not seated, chances are my guest won't sit down either. It's a bit more polite than just continuing to work without looking up...and if you do that, chances arerepparttar 104710 guest will still sit down.

Take a Leap! How to Take Your Business to New Heights

Written by Tresaca Hamilton

Take a Leap! How to Take Your Business to New Heights

By Tresaca Hamilton

Take a moment to reflect onrepparttar current reality of your business. Is it everything you dreamed it would be or is it more like a nightmare?

Regardless ofrepparttar 104702 current reality, your business can always improve.

But how do you grow your business from its current reality to repparttar 104703 business of your dreams?

In order to take your business to new heights, you can't just take steps towards improvement... You have to take a leap!

Here are some tips to help you createrepparttar 104704 business of your dreams:

1. Increase Your (Ideal) Client Base:

Take some time to create your ideal client profile.

Yes, your profile will include such attributes as: pays on time and easy to work with.

But dig much deeper than that.

Do you want a client who is respectful of your time? What about a client who values your services and what you have to offer -- and is willing to pay for that value?

And speaking of value, don't limit your ideal client attributes to someone who can afford to pay for your services.

Include such qualities as: passionate about their business, has integrity, and believes in treating people with respect.

Once you have created your ideal client profile, seek out prospects that fit that profile.

Increase your ideal client base by giving these prospects a special introductory offer. If you already have some clients that fit your ideal client profile, send them a thank you gift.

Letting your ideal prospects and clients know that you appreciate them will not only create goodwill -- it will also create new referrals for you.

Referrals that consist of your future ideal clients.

2. Increase Your Business Presence:

Now this may really involve taking a leap ifrepparttar 104705 only marketing you are currently doing is placing an ad inrepparttar 104706 local paper and waiting patiently for a call from that ad.

The first step to increasing your business presence is to create awareness.

Once this is done it is important to keep your prospects' attention and eventually gain their trust. This means that instead of placing an ad and simply sitting back and hoping for a call, you create an ad that offers an informational pamphlet inrepparttar 104707 headline.

Ifrepparttar 104708 headline speaks directly to your target audience, they WILL call.

Once you receiverepparttar 104709 call, you need to putrepparttar 104710 prospect into your database and consistently follow up with them. Call or send a follow up letter a week later to see if they have any questions aboutrepparttar 104711 pamphlet they received, and send a postcard to them at regular intervals featuring your newest special offer.

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