Take the Logo Litmus Test

Written by Maya Sunpongco

Here is your C.I.T.T. (pronounced "kit") [Color • Illustrate• Type • Test]

COLOR. Color plays a major role in influencing particular moods and feelings about your company. Don’t believe me? Look at Dove™ soap. You’ll findrepparttar shampoo bottles are white. White conveys purity, simplicity and a sense of cleanliness. It's strategic and makes sense doesn’t it?! Have you noticed that you can associate an industry by its color? Blue is a popular color for technology companies and bottled water companies, for instance. How about identifying a certain mood by color? Quick, what mood do you thinkrepparttar 120259 color red evokes? Could be romance or anger or urgency...

ILLUSTRATE. Small businesses and solo-entrepreneurs don't have budgets like Nike, Starbucks and McDonalds... so, if you decide to create a graphical image to represent your business, make sure it communicates what your customers might expect from your company. Great examples of this includesrepparttar 120260 logo of www.Giftpile.com and www.IndieArtistStation.com

TYPE. There is an art to lettering... just ask a calligrapher or illustrator who can create a logo based on letters. Again, illustrated inrepparttar 120261 Giftpile.com (mentioned above). An illustrator created a custom type which looks similar to gift wrap and ribbons on presents which is very appropriate forrepparttar 120262 service www.Giftpile.com performs (wedding gifts).

Search Engine Optimisation on a Shoestring

Written by Amanda Vlahakis

Optimising your website forrepparttar search engines needn't be expensive for business owners. Many small or micro businesses simply don't haverepparttar 120258 resources to pay for their own marketing department and find they need to conduct their own marketing.

Search engine optimisation is very simple despite it appearing otherwise, and is a task any business owner can complete for themselves and achieve results; all it requires is dedication and time:

Firstly decide what search words people will be keying into a search engine to find you. A free trial at www.wordtracker.com can provide you with this information.

It may not berepparttar 120259 best idea to pickrepparttar 120260 most popular words, because whilst you will have many search engine users keying in these keywords or phrases - you also will have plenty of competitors, making it harder for you to reachrepparttar 120261 surface ofrepparttar 120262 search engines.

You may want to aim atrepparttar 120263 second or third most popular terms, or try and be very specific with your keywords, and make a niche for yourself.

Search Engine Optimisation Work Tasks

These will unfortunately need to be completed on a weekly/monthly basis, as search engine optimisation is an ongoing process. No sooner have you reachedrepparttar 120264 top ofrepparttar 120265 search engines you could easily slip down them again as your competitors double their efforts to pull ahead of you; this forces you to continue your optimisation work forrepparttar 120266 long term to stay ahead ofrepparttar 120267 game.

1. Link Building

You need to build a good number (as many as possible) of incoming links to your site; create a links page for your site and build reciprocal (swapped) links with other companies inrepparttar 120268 same or similar line of business.

When you ask for links from other people you should ask that they use a link title that contains your keywords (but makes sense still), and then link this text to your website address.

The best links are from similar companies who have a good ranking themselves, and whose link will feature any of your keywords.

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