"Six Essentials you MUST have in place for your online business"There is a common misconception that an "online business" requires no investment...that you can make money online without spending any.
When we hear this from people who are desparately trying to build a successful online business it makes us angry!
We believe
misconception is primarily due to all of
hype and false promises that arrive daily in our inboxes. Emails promising us that we can make millions of dollars with no financial output while we sit at home and do nothing. It's insane and it's not
The truth is that you must treat an online business just as you would a business in
conventional world. You must plan on investing time, money and effort to ensure your success. The good news is that your investment in an online business will be MUCH, MUCH less than that of a business in
conventional world.
With an online business, there are essentials that you must have in order for your business to run smoothly and become successful. You can literally run an effective online business for $100-$200 a month. Later in this article, we will show you how you can access many of these essentials in one place for less that $10.00 a month!
But first...
Here are six essentials that you MUST have to run your online business.
1. Your Own Website
This includes a domain name and web hosting for your site. You must have a central place to send your customers, even if you are selling multiple products or services.
2. A Professional Autoresponder
An absolute MUST for any online business. If you're not using an autoresponder, you're losing money! That's
bottom line. Your autoresponder should have
ability to create subscriptions via email and web form and should be a professional one with no ads! Fr~e autoresponders look unprofessional and they are not reliable.
3. Ad Tracker
This is probably
most underused tool that we know of. Consider this - most people who are NOT making money on
Net have never used an Ad Tracker. Yet, ALL of
people that we know who ARE making money on
Net - use one daily. It makes no sense to spend money and time on advertising if you're not going to be able to determine which ads are producing and which ones are not. An Ad Tracker will solve this problem and save you time and money in
long run.