Take Off the Rose-Colored Glasses When Dating

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, certified Emotional Intelligence Coach

Robin was giving me an anatomy of her divorce. “There were signs,” she said. “Plenty of them. I just ignored them.”

“The counselor told me to ignore how he treated other people,” said Manuela, “and concentrate on how he treated me. But one day I became ‘other people.’”

It’s typical to do this inrepparttar early stages of dating and falling in love because, first of all it’s an exciting and complex process getting to know someone, and secondly, there are all those wonderful dreamy chemicals bathing our brains.

It’s also a time when we’re prone to be “optimistic,” to assume everything’s going to be marvelous. Nobody starts a new relationship hoping it will be a disaster. We invest a lot of time and energy into it, and we can begin to see what we want to see, not what’s really going on.

This, byrepparttar 130798 way, is one ofrepparttar 130799 catch points about Emotional Intelligence, and about learned optimism. It’s recommended in many daily situations, particularly performance situations (like giving a speech or pitching an account), but it is never recommended in situations of great consequence. At those times, we need to take offrepparttar 130800 rose-colored glasses. Dating is surely one of those times.

While you’re enjoyingrepparttar 130801 chemical bath coming fromrepparttar 130802 brain-stem and limbic brains, stay in touch with your neocortex –repparttar 130803 thinking brain – and process just exactly what it is you’re seeing and experiencing. Working with a coach, BTW, can help you with clarity.

“No hay casualidades,” sayrepparttar 130804 Spanish. Roughly translated it means, “nothing happens by accident” or “there are no coincidences.”

Each of these things happened early on in someone’s dating career and were ignored:

· We were sitting atrepparttar 130805 kitchen table at his folks’ house and heard a mousetrap go off. Edward sprang to his feet, ran over torepparttar 130806 trap, freedrepparttar 130807 mouse and then beat it to death with a fly swatter. Somehow I didn’t think that related to anything else butrepparttar 130808 mouse, though it made me sick atrepparttar 130809 time. · Stanton was a good doctor. He had taken a contract and was working from home and made plenty of money and that blinded me. Turns out he’d had a couple of partnerships that had failed because he was so demanding and impossible to work with. Boy did I find out about that later. It’s very strange for a doctor to work out of his home. Somehow that never registered on me.

Christmas Gifts Can Be a Cheating Husband’s Undoing

Written by Ruth Houston

Have you been plagued byrepparttar nagging feeling that your husband might be having an affair? Well. Christmas is probablyrepparttar 130796 ideal time to confirm your suspicions and perhaps find additional proof of your husband’s infidelity, as well.

It’s only natural for lovers to want to buy gifts for each other like everyone else duringrepparttar 130797 holiday season. But this exchange of gifts could prove to be a cheating husband’s undoing. An observant wife can find some important clues if she knows what to look for.

Gifts cost money. No man who’s cheating on his wife is going to give his lover a cheap token of his affection. If he doesn’t want to incur her wrath, he has to buy her a decent gift. Unless he’s been squirreling away small sums over a period of weeks of months,repparttar 130798 money has to come from somewhere. Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your checking or savings accounts? Checkrepparttar 130799 time period shortly before, during, or afterrepparttar 130800 holiday season. Have there been any sizeable, unexplained ATM withdrawals during this time?

What about credit card statements forrepparttar 130801 same period of time? Has he made any unusual charges at jewelry stores, boutiques or women’s specialty stores? What about actual store receipts? If you find records of purchases made for gift items that you didn’t personally receive, that should raise a red flag in your mind. Who did he give these gifts to, if not to you?

Look around your home for hidden gifts – underneathrepparttar 130802 bed, inrepparttar 130803 back of a drawer, onrepparttar 130804 floor atrepparttar 130805 back ofrepparttar 130806 closet,repparttar 130807 back of a little used shelf. Don’t forget to checkrepparttar 130808 car, as well. – underrepparttar 130809 seat, inrepparttar 130810 glove compartment,repparttar 130811 trunk,repparttar 130812 tire well. If you find a hidden gift, don’t automatically jump to conclusions unless it’s obvious thatrepparttar 130813 gift was not intended for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn’t wear, or has another woman’s name attached) But if New Year’s Day rolls around and you still haven’t receivedrepparttar 130814 gift, then obviously it was given to someone else. Make it your business to find out who.

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