Take Control of Your Visual Aids

Written by Ron Sathoff

When I was teaching public speaking, I always told my students that they had to be careful because visual aids tended to be "mischievous."

By this, I meant that visual aids have a tendency to go wrong exactly atrepparttar worst time. If you aren't extremely careful, they will detract from your presentation, rather than enhance it.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't use visual aids. It just means that you should be careful when using them. Make sure that you know what might happen, and do everything you can to avoid problems.

For instance, I can't countrepparttar 125594 number of times students or clients have tried to use a VCR, only to find out thatrepparttar 125595 machine didn't work, or thatrepparttar 125596 tape was cued torepparttar 125597 wrong place. Believe me,repparttar 125598 worst time to find this out is when you are givingrepparttar 125599 speech.

To-the-point... What's the message?

Written by Robert Poulton

Have you ever felt like WHAT you were trying to say, for some unknown reason wasn’t coming out right?... or,

If I told them once, I’ve told them a thousand times!... but, they just don’t get it.

Miscommunications or unclear communications cost companies both time and money every day.

Communication either enables or blocksrepparttar achievement of our personal and business objectives.

So, how do you communicate to achieve your business objectives 25-50% faster?...

Go to its source! Communication’s Control Central... Picture your self walking intorepparttar 125593 control room of a large supper-computer that processes all ofrepparttar 125594 financial transactions for about 50,000,000± credit card purchases-transactions per day. Oh, byrepparttar 125595 way,repparttar 125596 super-computer is connected to tens of thousands of other small computers each communicating withrepparttar 125597 brain.

What if you changed only one character, in one line of code, inrepparttar 125598 program that processes those transactions? The system stops communicating clearly and you end up with a mess like Portland, Oregon’s water department billing system that created a $9,800,000 loss and a big pain inrepparttar 125599 keyster for all ofrepparttar 125600 customers who didn't get a bill for a year.

Just like one character in a line of code... One word... can changerepparttar 125601 course of history, yours, your company's and evenrepparttar 125602 world's.

Let’s go on a journey back-in-time...

Back to before you were born, back when -one word- setrepparttar 125603 course for your birth and possibly evenrepparttar 125604 environment you were to grow-up in.

Love, one word, one message, two different meanings inrepparttar 125605 heat of passion.

The first meaning in its simplest form is -caring, commitment, support- as it relates to two people and a long-term relationship. The second meaning, -LUST - - come on baby, light my fire, I love ya- usually ends in a parting ofrepparttar 125606 ways just before breakfast. The latter creates a lot of single parent families. Who’s usually left holdingrepparttar 125607 bag?... you and your mom.

How do you think these two, very different meanings impact your birth and life as you grow up? They create two very different environments, in which you grow-up learning two different ways of life andrepparttar 125608 meaning ofrepparttar 125609 single word - love.

So, if every communication has a message and every message has a meaning, what do I, asrepparttar 125610 sender ofrepparttar 125611 message, need to do... to save time, avoid misunderstanding and achieve my objectives faster, at a lower cost?

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