TV Review: NBC "Medium"

Written by Paul Griffitts

Last night I watchedrepparttar new NBC show named, “The Medium”. The premise ofrepparttar 109932 show is that Allison Dubois (Patricia Arquette) is a strong-willed young mother of three, a devoted wife and law student who begins to suspect that she can talk to dead people, seerepparttar 109933 future in her dreams and read people's thoughts.

Ok now what happens from there is more medium then good from my viewing perspective. Allison Dubois a.k.a.repparttar 109934 Witch of Endor (I Sam. 28:7) and her 6 year old encounter a kid inrepparttar 109935 school yard who hit it off withrepparttar 109936 shy 6 year old,repparttar 109937 only trouble is thatrepparttar 109938 kid died 5 years ago in a car accident outsiderepparttar 109939 school.

This presents a problem forrepparttar 109940 6 year old little girl who doesn’t want to give up her playmate that only she (and unfortunatelyrepparttar 109941 viewer) can see. But Mom torepparttar 109942 rescue who explains that inrepparttar 109943 afterlife there is a place where everybody hangs out (everybody who is dead that is) and can groove together and look down on us and watch us like we are a movie for their entertainment.

Can We Handle the Truth?

Written by Gary Revel

Most people in America are busy withrepparttar details of achieving their goals and making their own place inrepparttar 109931 world. They have little time for themselves and don't want to spend it on some lost cause that most people don't care about. So it is withrepparttar 109932 injustice ofrepparttar 109933 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Even though most don't believe James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King Jr. or at least not by him-self, they also don't haverepparttar 109934 time to try to figure it out. Some would say they just don't care; so what'srepparttar 109935 use of making a movie ofrepparttar 109936 story of my investigation of Martin Luther King Jr's assassination?

What good will it do to have a full-length feature movie presented throughoutrepparttar 109937 nations theaters that explores this matter when nobody hasrepparttar 109938 time to care about it in today's environment? This is a question that I have asked myself for years; and continue to ask. Many believe very strongly thatrepparttar 109939 story needs to be told and it needs to be told in just such a motion picture. Some believe that it is a story that has historical importance and is best served by being written in conjunction with a treatment ofrepparttar 109940 civil rights movement and presented in a non-fiction literary work. Still others tell me that it should be a TV movie done inrepparttar 109941 tight commercial presentation that is best suited for today's contemporary television audience. Some would like to see it as a documentary or docu-drama. There are also those that just don't care about anything related torepparttar 109942 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and would rather everyone just quit talking about it.

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