TR Cutler, Inc. Announces the Sale of the Veterinary Practice Marketing Division

Written by Thomas Cutler

TR Cutler, Inc.,repparttar nation’s largest manufacturing PR and marketing firm, has soldrepparttar 100476 Veterinary Practice Marketing Division. Thomas R. Cutler, President & CEO of TR Cutler, Inc. ( said that, “After serving 595 veterinary practices overrepparttar 100477 past three years, we decided to acceptrepparttar 100478 offer of a European Veterinary Marketing Consortium based in Regensburg, Germany. We will still provide veterinary practice marketing consulting services;repparttar 100479 proprietary variable marketing data technology wasrepparttar 100480 core of whatrepparttar 100481 new buyer has acquired. Perrepparttar 100482 terms ofrepparttar 100483 agreement we cannot discloserepparttar 100484 buyer.”

Cutler’s technology providedrepparttar 100485 average veterinary practice to grow 212% in just twelve months. Cutler, who isrepparttar 100486 author ofrepparttar 100487 Manufacturer’s Public Relations and Media Guide, as well asrepparttar 100488 founder ofrepparttar 100489 Manufacturing Media Consortium (of 2000 journalists writing about trends inrepparttar 100490 manufacturing sector), plans to develop a new affinity program for Manufacturing Associations in Q3 2005.

A Clear View About the Nature of Home-based Internet Business

Written by Matthew Eigbe

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A CLEAR VIEW ABOUT THE NATURE OF HOME-BASED INTERNET BUSINESS - by Matthew Eigbe (c) Matthew Eigbe - All Rights Reserved =========================================================== Many people make millions of dollars a year with home-based Internet businesses. Ninety-five percent fail. Given those simple statistics, it seems to me that one ofrepparttar first things we need to do is understandrepparttar 100475 nature of Internet business…combined with a frank appraisal of our own nature.

Readrepparttar 100476 advertising,repparttar 100477 hype, and it seems anyone can make money onrepparttar 100478 Internet while they sleep, or sitting atrepparttar 100479 keyboard in their pajamas.

It's true. You can make lots of money while you sleep. And, should you choose to do so, you can work in your pajamas.

But whatrepparttar 100480 hype artists don't tell us is that success takes hard work, discipline and determination. There is no free lunch, not even onrepparttar 100481 Internet, and if you fall forrepparttar 100482 hype, it will cost money for zero return (if you are lucky). Why dorepparttar 100483 hypesters spend their money and effort to deliver their hype? Look downrepparttar 100484 page. There's an 'Order Now' button. It'srepparttar 100485 money, your money. The hypester can now earn your money while he sleeps.

Hard work at start

Understand this: any business, on or offrepparttar 100486 Internet, requires hard work to get it started. It may eventually run on autopilot, but inrepparttar 100487 beginning, it will take hard work, time, and determination.

Are you ready for that? Because, if not, save time and stop reading this now. You will be one ofrepparttar 100488 95% who fail.

No one can simply put up a website (or have one provided by a company) and expect others to find it. Early in 2005, there were 56,100,000 commercial websites onrepparttar 100489 Internet. Even a website inrepparttar 100490 top 1% was just one out of 561,000. My point is this: what chance does your website have of being found if it languishes there without any promotion?

Suppose your website was even inrepparttar 100491 top one-tenth of a percent, one of 56,100 websites. How difficult is it to find? Think of it this way: suppose you are at an outdoor event with 56,099 other people and a friend wants to find you without knowing where you are inrepparttar 100492 milling crowd. Do you think it would be easy, even though your friend knows what you look like?

A waste of space

Now substitute a stranger for your friend, a stranger who has never seen your face. Impossible? Not ifrepparttar 100493 stranger put an announcement overrepparttar 100494 public address system.

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