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Decision Power

Written by Alan Tutt

Decision Power by Alan Tutt bttp://

Anthony Robbins talks a lot about decisions. One of his lines is thatrepparttar quality of your life lies withinrepparttar 103466 quality of your decisions. There is a lot of truth in what he talks about. Think about it. Each time you are faced with a decision, you are making a choice that will affectrepparttar 103467 events that shape your life. I know that there have been many times I've made some bad choices, and my life suffered as a result. And when I made better choices, my life improved. I know you've also had similar experiences.

So ifrepparttar 103468 quality of our decisions determinesrepparttar 103469 quality of our life, how do we go about making better choices? Most ofrepparttar 103470 time it comes down to experience and education. Every time we are faced with a choice, our mind reviews our past experiences to see if we have any information that relates torepparttar 103471 current situation. If we do have previous knowledge, and that knowledge is extensive, covering many different circumstances, then we have plenty of information with which to make a quality decision. Ifrepparttar 103472 information we have is scanty and limited, thenrepparttar 103473 quality of our decision based on that information will be more questionable.

This sounds very good in theory, but let's see how it sounds in actual practice. Let's say that you've just made a decision to increase your income this year. How much information do you have regarding increasing income? If you're like most people, you learn a skill and get a job. If you perform that job well, then you get rewarded by a raise in pay and possibly an increase in responsibility. That increase in responsibility results in having to learn new skills. What this means, if that if you are like most people,repparttar 103474 information you have regarding increasing income leads you to believe that you have to get yourself promoted to a more responsible position or perform better in your current job to earn more money.

But is thisrepparttar 103475 only route to increased income? Isrepparttar 103476 job you have now, orrepparttar 103477 company you work for,repparttar 103478 only way you can make money? Obviously not, since there are many other people making money who are not in your company. One ofrepparttar 103479 best ideas that I ever came across for gatheringrepparttar 103480 best information on any subject (in order to makerepparttar 103481 best decisions regarding that subject) was to find out who arerepparttar 103482 people who excel in that subject. If you want to learn about physics,repparttar 103483 best people to talk to are physicists. If you want to learn about making money,repparttar 103484 best people to talk to are those makingrepparttar 103485 most money.

How do rich people make their money? How do those in wonderful relationships develop those relationships? How do those who are happy arrive at that happiness? In any subject that you have to make a decision, your best source of information are those people who are excelling in that subject.

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