E-mail is frequently written quickly and often poorly. The tips that follow should help you to write e-mail that will be well received every time.1. Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, grammar and capitals.
how ofen do yoo receeve e-mail ritten like this!!!!! Many e-mail messages contain poor spelling and grammar, incorrect use of capital letters and/or poor punctuation. Such messages looks amateurish and inevitably produce a poor impression of
2. Read
previous tip again.
Seriously. I can't overstate just how important it is to write well. The standard of contemporary writing is quite poor -- both on
Internet and in general use. It's easy to find errors in most written sources. Stand out from
crowd. Write well.
3. Your subject line should be descriptive.
Many people get dozens (or even hundreds) of e-mail messages per day, and with so much of it being spam (i.e. unsolicited sales messages), your message may be deleted unread if
subject line makes it look unimportant or spamish. Another reason to make your subject clear is to help
recipient find it later. Many people archive months -- or even years -- worth of e-mail. A clear subject line will make your message easier to find. 4. Use short paragraphs and leave lines between them.
On-screen text is harder to read than printed text due to its lower resolution. You can make things easier for your readers by using short, clearly separated paragraphs. You'll notice that all of
paragraphs in this article are fairly short (typically, four or five lines) and are separated by blank lines for clarity. You might also care to indent
text on
first line of each paragraph.
5. Tidy up all those ">" characters.
When replying to a message (or forwarding it), most e-mail programs put a ">" character in front of each line of
original text, like so: > This is
text of
original > message that you are replying to. Your reply goes here.
This happens each time
message is replied to (or forwarded). The result is that some messages end up with many ">" characters at
start of each line. This causes
line length to increase, and
text can wrap awkwardly and become difficult to read. For example: > > > > This is
text of
original > > > > message that you are replying to. > > > >