Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

You’ve spentrepparttar entire day shopping for new furniture or accents for your home and yet nothing seems quite right. You come home exhausted and in ill spirits. You grabrepparttar 111572 newspaper to check outrepparttar 111573 ads and possibly something there will light up that spark in your eyes and put that spring in your step. You sink back down into that old chair that your great Aunt Tessie gave your grandmother, who gave it to your mother, who passed it on to Sister Sue, until she got tired of it and you inherited it.

There you go -repparttar 111574 words “inherited it“. You are a lucky individual. Getting furniture handed down to you from countless sources, or cruisingrepparttar 111575 tag sales and resale shops will never get you intorepparttar 111576 “Great Homes” Hall of Fame. Right? Oh, you couldn’t be more wrong. Those store-bought items do not insure individuality, heritage, and one-of-a-kind prestige. Yet, taking your hand-me-downs or bargains and polishing them with ingenuity and imagination will get you first-place honors in any Home Show. No one gets too enthused at a piece of furniture that they have seen in a furniture showroom, also at their neighbor’s house, or even at their boss’s summer resort. Definitely beautifully crafted furniture will bring oohs and aahs and everyone will admire their grace and style. However, older furnishings have history, a story behindrepparttar 111577 previous owners, and a lot of sentiment. Now that’s what a home really is - a place to share what you are today, where you came from, and where you are heading.

Using fabric can change an entire color scheme or enhance that chair or sofa. If you add some really bright and beckoning pillows, then you have brought comfort and style together. If there are arms or legs on your sofa, a bit of stain, wood finish, or paint will bring outrepparttar 111578 shine. As for tables, shelving, chairs, etc. a bit of varnish, finish, or paint will revitalize and renew any piece. Using your imagination, try different brush strokes, or techniques. You may be surprised what happens when you combine different stains with different solid colors. Maybe oak is too somber for you, then pine may be more to your liking. It is now your piece of clay to work with, so mold it to fit your surroundings and other decor.


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Do you rememberrepparttar fun of running under a sprinkler as a child? It was a hot, sunny day andrepparttar 111571 cold water maderepparttar 111572 summer’s heat tolerable and even enjoyable. Well, now you can offerrepparttar 111573 same relief fromrepparttar 111574 heat to our fine feathered friends.

Providing a birdbath not only enhances your yard but bringsrepparttar 111575 pleasure of watching and enjoyingrepparttar 111576 myriad of birds that will thank you with their songs and their antics. A bird bath does not have to be an expensive item. It can be as simple as a shallow pan perched on a tree stump for stability.

There are a few items to consider when you place a bird bath in your garden. Birds prefer shallow water, approximately 1-2 inches. Anything more than that is considered a danger to them and they will avoid it. Also,repparttar 111577 bottom should have a rough surface. They appreciate having a solid footing. You should also place your bath in clear view or an open section ofrepparttar 111578 garden. Predators have a tendency to lurk in shrub and low lying plants and birds prefer a clear view so that they can ascertain danger. A few simple precautions and birds will be waiting inrepparttar 111579 wings to haverepparttar 111580 privilege of your birdbath.

Once you findrepparttar 111581 perfect place, then concentrate on attracting these wonderful winged delights. Having food nearby will help. They will notice your birdbath a lot quicker and begin using it. Alsorepparttar 111582 sound of water will attract them. When you are watering your lawn or garden, keep it on a fine mist asrepparttar 111583 sound ofrepparttar 111584 water will also bring birds in from near and far. Once you have established a population of feathered beauties, remember to keeprepparttar 111585 bath clean. Algae and mud can be a health hazard torepparttar 111586 birds, and who would want to step into dirty water anyway? Also, refill with water as necessary, especially inrepparttar 111587 hot months. Water evaporates and birds needrepparttar 111588 water to maintain a healthy life balance. If you can, have your bath near some perching branches or tree limbs. After bathing, birds enjoy preening their feathers and making themselves beautiful!

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