Written by Craig Lock

Here are my thoughts and steps on how to to "design a life" ..instead of been blown about byrepparttar winds of life (like a paper bag), orrepparttar 102110 currents, like a jelly-fish. Enough similes!

1.Findrepparttar 102111 VISION. Unless you know where you're going, you are unlikely to get there. Any place where you are is a good place to start.

Ask yourself:

What activities have you most enjoyed inrepparttar 102112 last 10 years?

What is fun? What do you treasure?

What do you most want to be doing inrepparttar 102113 next 10 years?

I'd love to write, help and hopefully even inspire others.

Which of your strengths and weaknesses are a joy to you?

What do people say you are good at?

What is special about you?

List ideally what would you be doing? Living atrepparttar 102114 beach, writing and travelling...and be financially secure, of course!

Ideally what would you want to be? A successful author was my goal.

Ask WHY do you need those things? What are those status symbols for?

Define your vision. Write it down in less than 10 words. Does it involve other people?

What do I most want to be doing? Why?

What do I most care about? Why?

What steps can I take to move me closer to doing what I really want to do with my life?

Find your niche - your unique skills?

Think about WHO will pay you to enjoy yourself. Instead of worrying about being sacked, think who will pay you to have fun?

Where do you want to work? With whom, in what sort of company? Look for a picture of your ideal environment: home, as well as work.

3. PLAN ahead carefully. Doing this reduces false starts and wrong directions. Most people spend more time planning their annual holiday than they do their "blueprint for life".

Put it all down in writing. My advice: "Think big, but start small".

The prominent American psychologist, Carl Rogers said: "The only real security isrepparttar 102115 preparedness to embrace insecurity". Berepparttar 102116 YOU you most intend to be? Take stock, review your plan and prioritize your life goals.

4. Makerepparttar 102117 COMMITMENT. Stop saying you're going to do it and actually DO IT. Put inrepparttar 102118 work and write outrepparttar 102119 cheques. This involves going pastrepparttar 102120 point of no return. Make commitments: to yourself, to your loved ones in terms of time, energy and money. Then stick to it and take full responsibility forrepparttar 102121 outcome.

5. Spell outrepparttar 102122 details ofrepparttar 102123 PLAN. Think it all through and concentrate hard. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it, step by step? What needs to be done and in what order of priority? What resources do you have at your disposal? What are your expenditure needs? Reaffirm your commitment through a personal budget. Be flexible in your thinking, as circumstances usually change...and we can't foreseerepparttar 102124 future. And most importantly, THINK BIG.


Written by Craig Lock

What is really important to you right now in your life? In other words, what do you really value? The main headings are: PEOPLE- THINGS- OTHER, e.g. career. Also finances. That word MONEY again!

Areas of goals:

These can be divided into short, medium and long-term; these respectively being six months, one wo years and five plus years. Also divide them into balanced components, being: personal, family, social and work goals. Then break them down further into:

* Spiritual * Mental * Physical * Financial * Family * Community/School

Remember that over-concentration on one of your goals will not ensure success. A car can only run well if allrepparttar tyres are inflated torepparttar 102109 correct pressure... and if it has four wheels!

The art of goalsetting is to balance all of these areas. If one area is out of proportion in your wheel of life, it affects everything else. Your wheel of life should be rounded evenly and balanced, so that it gives a smooth ride. Unlike mine. Currently my social life is pathetic, so I am joining "rent-a-friend", as I'm way too obsessed with my work, my writing and spend far too much time focussed on it... instead of having more FUN !

A thought... Perhaps it's about time I slowed down in my article submissions and set a goal of using that time for pure relaxation! How's that for a goal?

TIPS ON HOW TO ACHIEVE GOALS 1. Give yourself permission to dream and desire. Put aside (as much as you can) all reason and logic. If you don't have a goal, you have nothing to aim for and no plan of action. Without a goal you are just kicking a ball around. Think creatively by using your imagination in setting targets. 2. Make a master dream list. It is important to write down everything you want and need. Every place you want to go and everything you would like to become or achieve. These need not be high ideals, but genuine wants, e.g. putting food onrepparttar 102110 table (most important for "starving" writers!), a new car, beach house.swimming pool, yacht. A "proper job" for writers like me, perhaps! 3. Aim high Stretch yourself to your limit and you will achieve more than you believed possible. The higherrepparttar 102111 level of conscious goals, repparttar 102112 greater their motivating power.

4. Prioritise your Goals. Start off with some easy goals to get you inrepparttar 102113 'habit of achieving'. Know where you are now and how you got there. (" Howrepparttar 102114 s...did I get where I am now?). Look at yourself and learn from others. These goals must be compatible with your inner values. Values are what we hold to be important atrepparttar 102115 deepest level of our being. Doing this will make them far more likely to be achieved.

5. Set a time limit for achieving them. It's important to set a deadline...but it doesn't have to be "set in concrete". Don't let something drag on for three years that could have been achieved in one year. Set short-term goals: tomorrow, next week, next month. Also set long range goals which will require vision, courage and foresight. Finally, set your ultimate goals like becoming an All Black or Springbok (these are rugby football players from New Zealand and South Africa for "ignorant Americans"- oops, sorry!), a Judge, or some grand purpose, etc.... as long as that is what you really desire. Listrepparttar 102116 steps needed or smaller goals required to be achieved onthe path to your ultimate goal. By breaking them down they will seem more attainable and once each minor goal is attained will bring you closer to theultimate goal. Listrepparttar 102117 skills, qualifications or traits you will need to achieve them. 6. Be inspired. Receive regular inspiration and enthusiasm through reading and other motivational material (like this book- PLUG, PLUG). Also helpful is frequent contact with a person or people who inspire and enthuse you. 7. Focus on your goal like a laser and go after it every day Don't be discouraged - sometimes "one step backwards comes before a leapforward". "Dare to be different to others", if that is just being "the real" YOU. Don't allowrepparttar 102118 future to act on you. Act onrepparttar 102119 future. Don't see yourself as a powerless victim of circumstances, but rather as one having many choices to take any path you CHOOSE to move your life forward. N.B.Goals should be written down and regularly reviewed.

This makes for focussing ones thoughts and COMMITMENT in seeing them through. Write each goal on a list and as you achieve it, tick it off and enter a new goal. Act immediately on your short-term goals, as only ACTION will get you there.Have balance in your dreams and be honest and realistic with yourself. A goal is either meaningful in itself or as a means to an end. More Goal Tips * Start first with your longer term goals and break them down; if you start with short term goals you will end up with more ofrepparttar 102120 same. * Focus first onrepparttar 102121 overall outcome, not how you will achieve repparttar 102122 goal or you will limit yourself. Thenrepparttar 102123 amazing power of your creative imagination (inrepparttar 102124 form of your subconscious mind) will come up withrepparttar 102125 plan on HOW to achieve your goals. The answer may come to you immediately or take a while... and then come to you in unexpected moments, like inrepparttar 102126 shower. ..* Don't be obsessive about goals- let them happen, don't force them. (I must learn that one and let "life take it's course"!). * Be flexible and be aware ofrepparttar 102127 unexpected, which may be a stepping stone to your goal in disguise. * Involve your spouse/partner hose "nearest and dearest to you" in goal setting. Shared family goals have more meaning andrepparttar 102128 commitment to achieving them is greater.


"We should all be concerned about visualisingrepparttar 102129 future, because we will have to spendrepparttar 102130 rest of our lives there."- anon Visualisation isrepparttar 102131 technique used by top sportspeople to achieve results. Successful people make things happen and use repparttar 102132 process of Goal Setting. Ask yourself whether you are a goal- setter or goal-getter? You are not as stuck down in a rut as you may think. You have far more choices than you could ever imagine.

GOALS - THE FIVE KEY QUESTIONS "The important thing is to identify what you need to do AND THEN DO IT!" * Which? What do you really want? Break down into needs and wants, e.g.. yacht, pool, new car, beach house, holiday. Also set tangible and intangible goals. * Why? If it is not planned, it doesn't happen. *When? Goals must have a time frame. Long range goals should have checkpoints and a completion date. Who? Goals involve others : # Business (the boss, manager) # Personal (wife/husband/partner) How? What isrepparttar 102133 blueprint? You can't build without plans. The reason why you must have specific goals. Don't Forget: A. Involve others. B. State goals in terms of measurable results. C. Set target dates. D. Be specific. Criteria for Setting EFFECTIVE Goals They: # Should make you enthusiastic and excite you. # Must be truly your OWN goals - meaningful to YOU only. # Must be based on real desires. # Must be consistent with your values and be purposeful. # Must be written down. # Must lift our sights, yet be realistic and attainable. # Must be specific and measurable. # Must be compatible with your other goals. # Must have a starting and completion date. # Keep written goals in front of you. # Should be dynamic, but not set in concrete.

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