THE “SEVEN Cs”: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - Conflict Becoming the Norm – Part 1

Written by Dorene Lehavi

A series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Conflict Becomingrepparttar 103833 Norm – Part 1 Dr. Dean Ornish, noted cardiologist, saysrepparttar 103834 greatest cause of disease isrepparttar 103835 stress that comes from conflict. Conflict is bad for your health, your personal life and definitely bad for your business. When disagreements have reachedrepparttar 103836 stage of conflict, emotions have overcomerepparttar 103837 issue. At this point no one is thinking clearly or speaking truthfully aboutrepparttar 103838 original problem. It becomes all about winning. How useful is that? You can winrepparttar 103839 battle and lose a whole lot more. Conflict becomes a nail inrepparttar 103840 coffin of your marriage, or in your business partnership. Though you may win in court, you often lose in life. This is a major component ofrepparttar 103841 scenario that accounts forrepparttar 103842 high rate of divorce in marriage and even higher rate of dissolution of business partnerships. Even if conflict doesn't reach this dramatic result, living with conflict is an unhappy, unhealthy situation. Not only does it cause you misery, but it is contagious. Employees, clients and family members feelrepparttar 103843 tension. They may be taking sides even without realizingrepparttar 103844 unspoken details ofrepparttar 103845 issue. You and your partner avoid meeting, may deteriorate into a yelling match when you do meet, or live in silence avoiding addressing other important issues as well. This is notrepparttar 103846 scenario that inspires you to get out of bed inrepparttar 103847 morning.

THE “SEVEN Cs”: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - Competitive, Not Complementary Action

Written by Dorene Lehavi

A series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Competitive, Not Complementary Action James Carville and Mary Matlin are public relations spokespeople forrepparttar 103832 Democratic and Republican parties, respectively. They are each articulate, sharp and feisty. Sparks fly when they debate in favor of their parties, so much so that they seem like arch enemies who couldn't possibly exchange a friendly word. I rememberrepparttar 103833 shock reaction I had (how many years ago was it?) hearing that they were getting married. I pictured a contentious loud fighting household. Recently I sawrepparttar 103834 two of them on television talking about their private lives. One never knows for surerepparttar 103835 truth about public figures or anyone else for that matter, but if taken at face value, they have a solid marriage, children and good family life. They displayed mellowness, respect and total togetherness. It was obvious thatrepparttar 103836 party competitiveness was left outside ofrepparttar 103837 house and what was brought inside was love, goal sharing, and family first. Businesses run by partners are very much like marriages. Ifrepparttar 103838 partners are in competition with each other they are creating a lot of damage. First of all, their relationship is limited because there cannot be complete openness between competitors. The ultimate goal ofrepparttar 103839 success ofrepparttar 103840 business is undermined and lost inrepparttar 103841 morass ofrepparttar 103842 need to win over each other. Ifrepparttar 103843 competition is obvious to others and it usually is, it creates a situation of two camps where employees, directors and suppliers choose sides.

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