THE “SEVEN Cs”: PARTNERSHIP DANGER SIGNS - Competitive, Not Complementary Action

Written by Dorene Lehavi

A series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. Competitive, Not Complementary Action James Carville and Mary Matlin are public relations spokespeople forrepparttar 103832 Democratic and Republican parties, respectively. They are each articulate, sharp and feisty. Sparks fly when they debate in favor of their parties, so much so that they seem like arch enemies who couldn't possibly exchange a friendly word. I rememberrepparttar 103833 shock reaction I had (how many years ago was it?) hearing that they were getting married. I pictured a contentious loud fighting household. Recently I sawrepparttar 103834 two of them on television talking about their private lives. One never knows for surerepparttar 103835 truth about public figures or anyone else for that matter, but if taken at face value, they have a solid marriage, children and good family life. They displayed mellowness, respect and total togetherness. It was obvious thatrepparttar 103836 party competitiveness was left outside ofrepparttar 103837 house and what was brought inside was love, goal sharing, and family first. Businesses run by partners are very much like marriages. Ifrepparttar 103838 partners are in competition with each other they are creating a lot of damage. First of all, their relationship is limited because there cannot be complete openness between competitors. The ultimate goal ofrepparttar 103839 success ofrepparttar 103840 business is undermined and lost inrepparttar 103841 morass ofrepparttar 103842 need to win over each other. Ifrepparttar 103843 competition is obvious to others and it usually is, it creates a situation of two camps where employees, directors and suppliers choose sides.

10 SURE Ways on How to Fight Discouragement

Written by Herve da Costa

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement

Sometimes your actions do not yieldrepparttar results you want and discouragement kicks in. Getting out of it is about shifting your state of mind and not staying stuck in it. Here are 10 sure ways of eliminating discouragement quickly:

TIP #1: Don’t resist being discouraged.

Don’t resist being discouraged. Onrepparttar 103831 contrary, feel it, be self-honest and acknowledge that you are. Spend 5 minutes writing down allrepparttar 103832 reasons why you are discouraged. This will be valuable data for updating and refining your personal action plan later.

TIP #2: Remember

Remember that you have made it so far and take 5-10 minutes to list your accomplishments inrepparttar 103833 past 6 months

TIP #3: List

Take 5 minutes to list allrepparttar 103834 things you are grateful for in your life. I love doing that one!

TIP #4: Get Healthy

Make sure that you are not tired physically or sick. If you are, go to bed early and take care of yourself. Get healthy and catch up on sleep

TIP #5: Congratulate

First thing inrepparttar 103835 morning, call and congratulate 5 people on something that you like about them. Make it short and sweet. This technique can be amazingly effective. And, you will make friends.

TIP #6: Get Busy

Inrepparttar 103836 storm,repparttar 103837 real fighters like you keep paddling. Get busy: do 5 small quick things. The goal here is to remain active. Do 5 simple things that are related to your project: clean up your desk quick, confirm an appointment, and look up a web site of a potential employer or client. Each action should take 2-3 minutes. Stay simple and concise.

TIP #7: Learn Something

Learn something: read an article, a chapter in a personal growth book, take an evening class; not only will you learn new tools but you will also meet fighters like you. Team up with them.

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