If you have all
money you need, then this information wont be of much use to you!If however, like most of us, there are times when you could do with a little more, read on.
At times we all come across circumstances where we could do with some extra income, be it that extra special present we need to buy, that unexpected bill that needs paying or just to make ends meet.
The standard answer to
above would be to get a part-time job, but if you're already working full time or you need to stay at home to look after
kids or perhaps an elderly relative, working extra hours can be easier said than done.
There has to be an easier way.
And there is.
It's time to put your Computer and Internet connection to work.
There are many ways that you can earn an income via your computer; however, in this report we will be specifically talking about earning an income via eBay.
Not a few pennies here or there but a meaningful part-time income.
last count eBay had more than 100 million members worldwide and were carrying out tens of millions of simultaneous auctions each day.
Mind-boggling isn't it? Yet approximately only 1% of those 100 million plus members are selling on eBay.
The rest are buying.
So how would you like to be selling in a marketplace of almost 100 million buyers?
But "what would I sell"? I hear you ask.
The majority of sellers on eBay fall into what I call
hobby category.
They buy a few bits and pieces at their local yard sale and sell it on eBay.
In other words they treat it as a hobby.
The problem with this approach is that they constantly have to replenish their stock, plus they have
hassle of packing and mailing their items.
There's nothing wrong with this but it's unlikely to earn them a good, steady, part-time ncome.
You have to sell products that will give you good a profit and or will attract a lot of bids and that you:
· Don't have to stock
· Don't have to pack
· Don't have to post
This may sound like a tall order, yet it's very easy to do.