Written by Expat World


Hill's Low Profile -- The name W.G. Hill isn't bandied around much inrepparttar book-publishing world. No literary society has ever discussed any ofrepparttar 124201 two dozen or so volumes this author has produced. But overrepparttar 124202 last thirty years, inrepparttar 124203 world of bankers, accountants, high net worth investors and financiers with offshore interests, Hill has been a seminal influence. His most famous book is P.T., or "Perpetual Tourist." Though this title might conveyrepparttar 124204 idea that it's a book about traveling, it isn't. The subject is, how wealthy people can - with proper paperwork - enjoy life more. Its "How to have a good time with your money, but atrepparttar 124205 same time avoid unwelcome attentions that conspicuous consumption and high profile wealth always bring." These negatives includerepparttar 124206 unwelcome intrusions of tax collectors, insurance salesman, contingent fee plaintiff's lawyers, alimony seeking ex-wives, kidnappers, burglars. Not to mention every description of con-man. Do these matters concern millionaires? Judging from Hill's book sales, they do, indeed. The original Hill (who could not be found for an interview - EW hears he's in Patagonia doing hands-on research on female female gaucho wranglers - was back inrepparttar 124207 1970's a self-publisher who advertised his books as "Special Reports" inrepparttar 124208 London based Economist and International Herald Tribune. One of his early fans wasrepparttar 124209 newsletter guru, Sir Harry Schultz, who must have made enough beforehand or sold enough books to live well. Sir Harry writes in PT, "I spent my first few years as a tax exile atrepparttar 124210 Monte Carlo Beach Hotel, interacting with hard-bodied, high maintenance cost divorced women who in their topless bikinis populated Riviera pool sides like motes inrepparttar 124211 sunshine." Hill's books always offered his personal services to assist any reader to accomplishrepparttar 124212 goals set out. For instance, his 1975 Lloyd's Report promisedrepparttar 124213 reader would "make serious money without any investment, work or risk." This was two decades before many Lloyd's names did in fact suffer substantial losses. But Hill wrote later, "If people handled their Lloyd's relationships as I suggested (with stop loss insurance) they came out way ahead." Hill charged a hefty fee to introduce new names and get them into Lloyd's as insurance underwriters. Eventually, around 1985 Hill's maneuvers were picked up and thereafter published by Nicholas Pine. Pine was then operating as Milestone Press of Plymouth, England. He was a very minor publisher of books for collectors of ceramics. Their typical press run inrepparttar 124214 pre-Hill days was a thousand copies. With Hill's books for millionaires soon selling like hot cakes, Milestone hit pay dirt. Pine changed his company's name to Scope International. An ex-employee revealed that atrepparttar 124215 time he quit, sales of well over 100,000 copies of each Hill book would have been "a low ballpark figure." With ten books being major sellers and a direct mail price of £60 / $100 per book, that means that gross sales of Hill's books passedrepparttar 124216 100 million dollar mark some years ago. As marketers who sell direct via advertising and junk-mail that means most revenues go direct torepparttar 124217 bottom line. Although book sales figures are not available torepparttar 124218 public (through bookstores), this could mean that little known Scope, by publishingrepparttar 124219 works of a mystery man who disappeared ten years ago, is far and away,repparttar 124220 world's most profitable book publisher. But The Profits Just Start With Book Sales -- Each Hill report describes a certain product or lifestyle. Ifrepparttar 124221 reader wants to make it a reality, he hires Hill (or more recently a Hill clone at fees up to $10,000 per consultation) to get him up and running. Our informant suggests that twenty per cent of all book buyers sign up for consulting services. Then there arerepparttar 124222 international seminars at $2000, plus residence and passport programs costing up to $350,000. The Hill books suggest other ways that millionaires can enjoy their money more - by spending it with Scope on "lifestyle enhancing" products and services. The basic premise of PT and all of Hill's books, is that any wealthy person will enjoy life more and protect his assets better by using what Hill calls "five flags."

THE FIVE FLAG THEORY The First flag for instance, isrepparttar 124223 Passport of a country that doesn't try to tax or control you once you have left. According to Hill, any passport will serve this purpose except those ofrepparttar 124224 USA. Their citizens have to renounce and get another one. Why? The USA isrepparttar 124225 only country that taxesrepparttar 124226 worldwide income of nonresidents. It is alsorepparttar 124227 only country that polices it's citizens morals and conduct abroad by making certain conduct of its citizens outsiderepparttar 124228 country, criminal acts punishable by jail sentences back home. These include traveling to forbidden places, paying minor bribes, or having sex of a forbidden kind. Each "Flag" of Hill's is supported by at least one other book. For instance: The suggestion that every PT should have a suitable passport, good for visa-free traveling and not costingrepparttar 124229 holder a substantial portion of one's income is supported by Hill's most popular book. This isrepparttar 124230 PASSPORT REPORT, a hefty, nearly 400 page reference manual that exploresrepparttar 124231 opportunities "in over 125 countries and political subdivisions."

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