Written by Terry L. Sumerlin

About twenty years ago, when our married daughters were in elementary school, they had a bicycle accident. Jo Ellen, our oldest, lost control of her bike and ran into her sister, Amanda, who was standing right in her path. Suddenlyrepparttar front fender ofrepparttar 129957 bike slid rather abruptly between Amanda’s fingers, and left a sizable gash that required several stitches.

The thing I remember most aboutrepparttar 129958 incident took place after we returned fromrepparttar 129959 doctor. Amanda stood in our den, held up her bandaged fingers and, with absolute innocence and candor, declared, “Now I finally have something important to talk about!”

What a commentary on people – young and old. We all want to feel important and to have something important to tell others. As children, we couldn’t wait to tell others how we got our bruise, our cut or our broken bone. As adults we’re sometimesrepparttar 129960 same with illnesses and surgeries. They make us feel special. They become badges of honor. We act somewhat like a friend I had who broke his neck and, though he healed, subsequently referenced everything to before or after his accident. We, too, are prone to “hang on to” such personally important events. We need to feel important.

The various ways in which this need is met are rather significant. In fact, knowing how a person gets that feeling of importance tells us a great deal aboutrepparttar 129961 person. I heard about a mother who, at a Little League ballpark, told her son, “I do everything else for YOU. You’re going to play baseball for ME.” In this case, her sense of importance was wrapped up in her child. It makes you wonder how she will fillrepparttar 129962 void whenrepparttar 129963 child grows up.

Other illustrations could be given, butrepparttar 129964 point remainsrepparttar 129965 same. In addition torepparttar 129966 obvious point regarding man’s need to feel important, there are two additional observations to be made. (1) The greatest difference in successful and unsuccessful people, those who have things figured out and those who never “get it,” is in how they get their feeling of importance. (2) Successful people are usually those who satisfyrepparttar 129967 other person’s need to feel important.

7 Hot Tips for Improving Your Life

Written by Beth Scott

7 Hot Tips for Improving Your Life

I won't be long-winded about this, I am going to lay down 7 simple steps to help you improve your life. It will only be a few pages long and will be a quick read. Whether you implementrepparttar steps I give you is your decision alone, they are merely suggestions you might say. #1 This tip will seem quite obvious and simple to you, but you'll be amazed how few actually takerepparttar 129955 effort to do it. Unless you're not a morning person this will improverepparttar 129956 quality of your day drastically. Setting you in a good mood to facerepparttar 129957 days challenges and adversities. Get Up Early! This may sound more like a way to ruin your day by putting you in an awful mood, but bear with me on this. To be able to accomplish this and still avoid losing any any precious sleep. You can go to bed just a half hour earlier since to start with you only need to get up a half hour earlier than you usually do. To aid this purpose you should definitely use an alarm clock with persistent beeping. You may be wondering by now just what it is that you're supposed to do in this extra half hour when you would normally be dozing peacefully in bed. For different peoplerepparttar 129958 answer can vary slightly. To start with you need to fully awaken yourself and get rid of early morning sluggishness. To suit this purpose you can take a cold or slightly cool shower. Or you might try doing stretches combined with deep breathing. Use whatever works for you. You might skiprepparttar 129959 shower if just splashing cold water on your face is sufficient to wake you. After you're completely alert step outside of your house, apartment, etc... And if it's early enough and you have a clear view, watchrepparttar 129960 sunrise. This simple but immensely satisfying act will lift your spirits. If you're unable to do this, take a brisk walk, jog or run depending upon what you prefer and what you're physically capable of. When you've been out for 20 minutes you can head inside and commence with whatever morning ritual you normally have. #2 Now this is extremely important but deceitfully obvious. Eat Breakfast. To start your day out onrepparttar 129961 right foot this is practically a necessity. You needrepparttar 129962 energy this will provide you with to accomplish your daily tasks. If you are overly pressed for time you might try cereal and milk or a few granola bars, even a few pieces of fresh fruit would do. Any of these are better alternatives than skipping breakfast. This is also a good suggestion for those watching their weight, because if you skip breakfast you're more likely to binge later inrepparttar 129963 day. #3 When you go places, even if you find it a bit difficult at first, smile more at other people. Just curve your lips up a bit as you make eye contact with another human being. It's really that simple. This will not only lift your spirits as you see a good many people smile back, but it will lift other people's as well. Even some ofrepparttar 129964 ones who are too shy to smile back.

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