This article is found/with graphics @ www.the-tribulation-network.comThe Green Cross ~ by Doug Krieger. Mikhail Gorbechev and New Age environmentalists have a lot in common. For one, they both believe in same god. But, guess who else digs their "Green Cross" and is repulsed by Cross of Christ? Isn't it interesting that New Age religion, and political leaders who embrace it, affirm their new god with such religious zeal? Don't think Left doesn't have its religious streak.
By Doug Krieger
“We desperately need to recognize that we are guests not masters of nature and adopt a new paradigm for development, based on costs and benefits to all people, and bound by limits of nature herself rather than limits of technology and consumerism.”Mikhail Gorbachev, Chairman of Board, Green Cross International
“No sane person seeks a world divided between billions of excluded people living in absolute deprivation and a tiny elite guarding their wealth and luxury behind fortress walls. No one rejoices at prospect of a life in a world of collapsing social and ecological systems. Yet we continue to place human civilization and even survival of our species at risk mainly to allow a million or so people to accumulate money beyond any conceivable need. We continue to go boldly where no one wants to go.” (David C. Korten “When Corporations Rule World”)
“The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and time of dead, that they should be judged. And that You should reward Your servants prophets and saints, and those who fear Your name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy earth.” Revelation 11:18
We swerved in and out of two-lane streets of Presidio next to San Francisco Bay. Our little group of Russian tourists had no idea where I was taking them—they simply thought we were heading for an underside view of Golden Gate Bridge. Little did they realize they would shortly stand aghast at small two-story gambrel cottage where International Green Cross headquarters, headed by deposed President Mikhail Gorbachev, stood in obscure testimony to once mighty colossus of Soviet Union.
I was amused. More than reluctantly these Russian coal miners, now in 1994, were coaxed by me to get out of our large van and literally enter into this unbelievable sight—a military facility donated by US to Mikhail Gorbachev’s fledgling, altruistic ideal at earthly redemption: The International Green Cross.
Sight seeing is one thing—peering into “how are mighty fallen” is quite another! “How could this have happened? Gorbachev winding up in this hole in wall underneath Golden Gate Bridge in an old US Coast Guard facility huddled amongst warehouses and rickety old buildings of little import?” The surreal scene of it all was altogether bizarre, eerie, and even prophetic in its condescension. My Russian guests, most from Siberia, left this esoteric experience flabbergasted, embarrassed, and even angered that their once dynamic, articulate, and feared leader of world’s largest communist empire had embraced such a humiliating conclusion to his ignoble career. Alas! President Vladimir Putin this month bemoaned Soviet Union’s demise: “The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of century.”
Lee Penn in his article A Case Against United Religions Initiative (URI) exposes soft underbelly of Gorbachev’s real agenda. How on earth (no pun intended) did folks like Mikhail Gorbachev, former California Senator Alan Cranston, George Schultz, et al, get behind this slogan: Give Humanity a Chance, give Earth a future?
“I believe in cosmos. All of us are linked to cosmos. Look at sun. If there is no sun, then we cannot exist. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals” (an interview with Gorbachev).
Penn deliberates on New Age religion of Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, and likes of Ted Turner, who like Episcopal Bishop William Swing (founder of URI), back new “Global Ethic” and its “Declaration of Human Responsibilities” in their new “Earth Charter.” Gorbachev calls Earth Charter, new religion of Ecology (a.k.a., GREEN CROSS) . . .