Written by Craig Lock

Thought I'd share a few hints on getting traffic to your web site out there in cyberspace, based on our experiences overrepparttar past four and a half years....

Most of our search engine "traffic" comes fromrepparttar 128430 12 MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES - we estimate about 95%. In listing our various web sites, we only concentrate onrepparttar 128431 major (12 or so search engines) and directories, like Open Directory, who supply their database to many ofrepparttar 128432 big SE's (see I'm learning "tech/geek speak" terminology already).

I've found that I check our listings inrepparttar 128433 search engines every two months or so and do resubmit - just to repparttar 128434 MAJOR search engines. Though I don't try it with Alta Vista and especially Yahoo (as we are already high up there with our creative writing courses). I don't dare risk them chucking us out, though I don't think they will! We've had some difficulty with HotBot and Lycos (especially) and Open Directory in getting listed, so I do re-submit from time to time and they then seem to get listed. Alta Vista seems to take a while- about 6 weeks. Believe Lycos is "winding down" in listing sites incidentally and Infoseek takes a while also. Sorry too late, they have become yet another "dot.bomb" and have ceased operating. Things move very fast in cyberspace!

So suggest checking your listings occasionally and resubmit- ting (INDIVIDUALLY). I don't think any ofrepparttar 128435 major search engines see that as spam.

We also submit torepparttar 128436 regional Yahoo (Australia and New Zealand) and find we get listed quite speedily. I bid on key words with Go To for 'writing courses', but we've foundrepparttar 128437 traffic from them to be minimal to date.

Secrets to Getting MORE Search Engine Hits

Written by Chris Small

Every Website owner would like to get more traffic fromrepparttar Search Engines. But it's getting tougher and tougher to get a good listing these days. There are over 2.1 Billion other webpages and documents online right now. And that number is growing by 7 million pages per day.

Most of us don't haverepparttar 128429 time or expertise to carefully edit and reeditrepparttar 128430 keywords and meta tags for each engines specific criteria.

Inrepparttar 128431 past I had spent many hours trackingrepparttar 128432 words and phrases that came up highest inrepparttar 128433 search engines. I then valiantly attempted to work my site content, key words and meta tags to reflect these words. The results were mediocre at best. It seems that there were thousands and thousands of other webmasters with exactlyrepparttar 128434 same idea. It is extremely difficult to get a top 20 listing for a very popular search word.

Until recently I had pretty much given up on expecting traffic of any significance fromrepparttar 128435 Search Engines.

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert on Search Engine rankings. The following information is strictly based on my own personal experiences and those of a few friends. Even though these techniques have worked well for me, it is possible that they may not be applicable to your particular site. There is nothing for sale here. This is purely for your own education.

An Accidental Discovery

Quite by accident I stumbled upon a technique that brings in a LOT of Search Engine hits to my site.

I have created a small library of reports on Internet Marketing. The intention is to assist website owners with their marketing efforts. I wanted to provide a great source of relevant material that would bring them back again and again. Ezine publishers and other site owners were also encouraged to copy these articles and publish them.

This does work quite well on it's own, but I've been noticing that a lot of people are finding these reports fromrepparttar 128436 Search Engines. The hits are happening from obscure search terms that most other sites aren't using. There's little competition for them so my site gets a very nice ranking. Sometimes it's listed inrepparttar 128437 number seven position, sometimes it's inrepparttar 128438 seventeenth spot. It could even be a number three listing. In some cases I've even achieved a number one ranking in a few ofrepparttar 128439 major Search Engines. This has been a very pleasant bonus.

Keep reading, we'll be going intorepparttar 128440 specifics shortly. But before we go too much further, let me explain that this technique does not usually bring in thousands of hits. It can however bring in hundreds of extra hits that a site might normally not get.

What Web Searchers Really Want

When you go to a Search Engine, how many times are you looking specifically for something to buy or for an affiliate program to join? If you're like me that's not why you're at repparttar 128441 Search Engine. You're there to find information onrepparttar 128442 topic of your interest - and it should be FREE!


Let's say that you want a Super recipe for Chicken Soup. Are you going to search for a cook book? Not likely. You wantrepparttar 128443 recipe notrepparttar 128444 book. BUT, while you are reading repparttar 128445 recipe it is possible that you could be tempted to look at a cook book for sale - or a cooking pot, or a set of oven mitts, or ..... well you getrepparttar 128446 idea.

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