Written by Irvin L. Rozier

On December 19, 2003, I was missing my parents, who had gone on to be with Jesus.My Dad, Rev. A.J. Rozier, died on December 22, 1966. He was 40 years old and we buried him Christmas day, 1966. My mother, Mary, died on January 7, 2001. She was 71.

I woke up that cold December morning and drove torepparttar family cemetery where my parents are buried. I arrived there, and sat in my warm truck as I recalled precious memories of Daddy and Mama. After several minutes. I openedrepparttar 126748 door of my truck, got out, and slowly walkedrepparttar 126749 short distance to my parents' graves. As I did, I pulledrepparttar 126750 collar of my jacket tightly around my neck. We had already had several days of freezing weather and it was cold and windy that morning. I approached my Daddy's grave, saw something, and stared with disbelief. There, growing besiderepparttar 126751 grave, was one Easter Lily...IN FULL BLOOM. As tears filled my eyes,repparttar 126752 presence ofrepparttar 126753 Lord was strong as He gently reminded me through this flower, that He still lives. And because He lives, my parents live also, and I will see them again one day.


Written by Irvin L. Rozier

This is a short version of story number 19 (out of 50) from my book, My Walk withrepparttar Lord, Psalm 75. 6,7 "For promotion cometh neither fromrepparttar 126747 east, nor fromrepparttar 126748 west, nor fromrepparttar 126749 south. But God isrepparttar 126750 judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another." I was seekingrepparttar 126751 Lord forrepparttar 126752 right job He wanted me to have. I had submitted many applications, but had not had an interview. Those of you who have been through a period of unemployment can understandrepparttar 126753 frustration of this, especially withrepparttar 126754 bills piling up. However, when trusting God, we understandrepparttar 126755 value of waiting for God's timing. As I rode byrepparttar 126756 local shopping mall, a vacant buidling nearby would draw me. Several times, I pulled up to this building andrepparttar 126757 Lord spoke to me and said, "This building is where I want you to work." I had no idea of what kind of work I'd be doing. The Lord was silent on that subject. About two weeks later, I saw a job advertisement inrepparttar 126758 local paper. The job was for an instructor of retail sales at a small vocational school. The applications were being accepted at---you guessed it---that vacant building nearrepparttar 126759 mall. I submittedrepparttar 126760 application, was interviewed and offeredrepparttar 126761 job. Atrepparttar 126762 same time, I was offered a state job with more money and benefits. I did not hestitate whenrepparttar 126763 Lord spoke to me and said "Takerepparttar 126764 instructor position." Each morning before class, I would read a verse of scripture. A few students

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