Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

What is one feature that you can add to your home that will definitely increase its value not only monetarily? There isrepparttar ingredient of a “special place” to relax, to dream about tomorrow, and to slowly sip a cool, smooth drink on a hot, sticky day. Also, this is a great place to chat withrepparttar 111578 neighbors or visiting relatives, to admirerepparttar 111579 seasons, nature and its abundance of color and change, and to take a catnap whenrepparttar 111580 need calls for one.

All ofrepparttar 111581 above relate to something as simple as a porch. Whether it is onrepparttar 111582 back ofrepparttar 111583 house, acrossrepparttar 111584 front ofrepparttar 111585 home, or even torepparttar 111586 side - there is so much value in having a porch. It can even do duty as a breakfast room where you start your day and anticipate whatrepparttar 111587 day will bring over a cup of coffee.

It can be an elaborate structure with pillars and graceful archways or it can be as simple as a screen enclosure where you step out fromrepparttar 111588 kitchen torepparttar 111589 delight ofrepparttar 111590 sunshine,repparttar 111591 sweet smell of morning, andrepparttar 111592 sounds ofrepparttar 111593 birds. Taking into considerationrepparttar 111594 type of home you have, you can then plan with size, material, and style. Whateverrepparttar 111595 final outcome is,repparttar 111596 real statement will berepparttar 111597 comfort and enjoyment a porch can bring. And if you add a porch swing - then you do haverepparttar 111598 makings of a wonderful place just outside of your home. If a porch swing is not inrepparttar 111599 plans, then a padded rocking chair, a few tables, assorted chairs, and plants will dorepparttar 111600 trick.

Porches are fun to decorate but they should never become just another convenient storage shed. They should be uncluttered, colorful and comfortable. There should be easy access torepparttar 111601 home so that food and drink can be easily brought it and out. Porches can be three-season or year-round with a few extras added.

Frugal Kitchen Spruce Ups

Written by Kathleen Wilson

Frugal Kitchen Spruce Ups By Kathleen Wilson

Most of us spend a good deal of time in our kitchens these days, and it’s not just for cooking. More homes are being built withrepparttar kitchen asrepparttar 111577 hub ofrepparttar 111578 home, and even if you’re on a tight budget, that shouldn’t stop you from making it a pleasant and personal place to be!

If your cabinets are in need of a total overhaul, consider painting them. Nothing changesrepparttar 111579 look of a kitchen faster! Visitrepparttar 111580 library for info on faux finishing, or go to or, and turn a simple paint job into a one of a kind kitchen.

If you don’t wantrepparttar 111581 hard work that goes into total repainting, consider removing a cupboard door to make a display cabinet. Paintrepparttar 111582 entire interior ofrepparttar 111583 cabinet a light or bright accent color, and put your prettiest on display. Or have someone good with power tools cut outrepparttar 111584 center panels ofrepparttar 111585 doors, then shirr fabric overrepparttar 111586 inside to hiderepparttar 111587 contents ofrepparttar 111588 cupboard…secure with a staple gun or Velcro tape.

Pick up inexpensive plate hangers fromrepparttar 111589 hardware store and hangrepparttar 111590 saucers from your good china aroundrepparttar 111591 backsplash, or as a border. Don’t have any china? Visit garage sales and thrift stores this weekend to pick up a bunch of sweet little plates for a song. (No, they don’t have to match, or be fancy!)

Hang tea towels onrepparttar 111592 diagonal over your curtain rod for a fresh summer valance, and save some extra to stitch up into potholders and placemats.

Make a floor cloth to perk up your tired floors from a piece of remnant vinyl flooring you get at a home improvement center for just a few dollars. Turnrepparttar 111593 piece over torepparttar 111594 backside, and give it a coat or two of good primer, then a coat of any basecoat color. Then use masking tape, stencils, stamps, sponges or freehand painting to impart a design that fits your room. Be sure to seal it with a couple of coats of water based polyurethane, and it will wipe clean for years! This is a great way to customize your kitchen for little money…lets face it, rugs are expensive, impossible to keep clean in a kitchen, and are usuallyrepparttar 111595 same old boring thing. This is also a great way to cover an aging or damaged floor, as you can makerepparttar 111596 floorcloth to whatever size you need.

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