Written by Michael Taylor

Internet marketers often run into a unique challenge on their way to "leavingrepparttar rat race" for their own successful cyber-businesses.

Once their online marketing machines are running fairly smoothly, generating a healthy flow of leads generally isn't a problem. The challenge lies in generatingrepparttar 121721 most profit fromrepparttar 121722 existing flow of leads.

What's one crucial key to generating maximum profit per lead? Yes, there is a goldmine in follow up contact.


The typical marketer may send one follow up email, mail out a single brochure or catalog, make one follow up call, or send out one fax, and then sit back and wait... Wait forrepparttar 121723 prospect to visit their web site, place an order, email with further questions, or take another desired action. Even seasoned marketers that are keenly aware ofrepparttar 121724 value of follow up sometimes neglect this crucial activity. I've been guilty of it at times myself.

Offline follow-up, of course, is more time-consuming and expensive than online follow up, consideringrepparttar 121725 time and expense involved in long distance phone and fax calls, mailing or shipping of marketing materials, and so forth. Due to its speed and extremely low cost, email could be consideredrepparttar 121726 ideal follow up marketing tool. However, without an efficient system for implementing email follow up, problems can still arise.


It's a fact that most people typically don't buy (or take other desired action) as a result of an initial marketing contact, even if they are perfectly targeted, prime candidates forrepparttar 121727 offer.

What's more, it's not unusual for some follow up marketing contacts to generate approximatelyrepparttar 121728 same percentage of sales or other desired action asrepparttar 121729 initial contact. There are a variety of things that can prevent prospects from taking desired action as a result of initial marketing contact.

For instance, they may.... *have forgotten about your offer; *simply be procrastinating for one reason or another; *have misplaced your offer, or inrepparttar 121730 case of email, accidentally deleted it; *be swamped with so many other things to do that they haven't yet found enough time to act; *be distracted by "information overload" or other things in their very busy lives that they either missed your first contact entirely, or haven't had time to act on it yet; *not yet have enough information to decide what to do about your offer; *not have enough money to buy at this time; *haven't yet developed enough trust in you.... or any number of other reasons.

Mr. Geez Is Back In Business! Wanna Know How?

Written by Amin Khan

Are you just marketing? I mean marketing just forrepparttar sake of generating sales? Sure everybody does it for sales. However, withrepparttar 121720 increasing online competition, generating enough sales has become even more difficult if not impossible.

When did you last make a sale? What is your conversion ratio? How far have you been successful in retaining your customers? Questions like these makes majority of netpreneurs apprehensive. This is because most netpreneurs don't understand and practicerepparttar 121721 underlying marketing model, which isrepparttar 121722 key to online success.

The following is a marketing model practiced by Mr. Johnny Geez who happens to be an entrepreneur. He says:

"Come up with a product and/or an affiliate program that pays better commission, and market it everywhere. The more places it will be marketed,repparttar 121723 more people will see it and buy it, and that will bring in a flood of sales. YeSss!"

Atrepparttar 121724 end ofrepparttar 121725 month Mr. Geez were really in a bad mood...

Grrr... Whatrepparttar 121726 hell they think themselves? I've been really a fool doing all that hard work on my partrepparttar 121727 whole month. This is really frustrating.

What happened? Asked Tony (Friend of Mr. Geez)

Mr Geez: NO SALES! :( The market doesn't seem to understand my product. I did manage to bring traffic towards my site, but still NO SALES! :( You know my product isrepparttar 121728 best of it's kind. Just plug it in your car's engine and you're done. Your car's gaskit will never burn out. These people out there are scared spending money on using such a wonderful product.

Tony: But why? You've been marketing your product everywhere. Didn't you make any sales? Come on, don't tell lie to me, you must have ended up with at least a few hundred dollars in net sales, didn't you?

Mr. Geez: You think I'm lying. I'm not supposed to hide anything from you. You're my best friend.

Tony: But Geez I've seen your website, it's nicely designed, loads fast and above all have a better navigational system. Then what'srepparttar 121729 problem?

Mr. Geez: I don't know, maybe it'srepparttar 121730 end of online selling.

Tony: I don't think so, because I personally know some people who are making mega sales without putting much effort. How come they are doing so well Geez?

Mr. Geez: That means there must be something wrong with my own marketing approach? What do you think Tony?

Tony: I guess you're right. Let's find out and fixrepparttar 121731 problem.

---- End of conversation ----

So what did *you* learn from this conversation? What must have gone wrong with Mr. Geez's business? Any clue?

I never like anyone to guess, but that's a critical one. If you guessed it, read on, but if you didn't, start your engine now because in your answer liesrepparttar 121732 real crux ofrepparttar 121733 problem.

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