Written by Rev. James L. Snyder

The door to my office exploded as hundreds, at least it seemed like that many to me, of children surrounded my desk. My defenses were down andrepparttar merry mob held me captive. Wisely, I decided to surrender and throw myself onrepparttar 118125 mercy ofrepparttar 118126 gang.

Simultaneously, and in hi-fi stereophonic sound,repparttar 118127 children assaulted me with questions.

"Pastor, what's ya doin'?"

"Pastor, is that your computer?"

"Who's that inrepparttar 118128 picture?"

"Pastor, are you working?"

"Pastor, why? ... why? ... why?"

As soon as I dealt with one question, three more emerged and it seemed as thoughrepparttar 118129 supply was endless. Shouldrepparttar 118130 little crowd run out of questions, they could always begin all over again. Moreover, I believe they did — several times.

Admittedly, to hear, let alone answer each question, would have required a Moses-proportion miracle of partingrepparttar 118131 Red Sea. I chuckled to myself when I realized they didn't need me, or even want me to answer all their questions, as strange as it seemed.

The little pack really wanted to know if I had an ear for them. And I did — two, as a matter of fact.

We seerepparttar 118132 tragedy of life inrepparttar 118133 fact that as people grow older they seem to lose their sense of inquiry. Answers replace questions.

I remember what my good friend and spiritual mentor used to say: "Beware ofrepparttar 118134 person who has more answers than questions. Life must truly be a bore to them. I know they're a bore to me."

I think good old Frank knew what he was talking about. No person is poorer thanrepparttar 118135 man who has ceased approaching life with a question. Or, better yet,repparttar 118136 man who has an answer for everything.

The man who has allrepparttar 118137 answers hasn't heard allrepparttar 118138 questions, yet.

Throughoutrepparttar 118139 years, I have been plagued with many questions. All theologians have an overwhelming desire to explain everything and put everything into a nice, neat little package.

The less they know, it seems,repparttar 118140 more dogmatic they are on what they know.

Questions are an essential ingredient of life. During my short career as a human being, and it's been a full-time job, I have pondered many questions.

Questions such as:

n Can God make a rock so big He can't lift it?

n How many angels can dance onrepparttar 118141 head of a pin?

n Did God really create politicians?

n Why?

I realize some questions seem to be silly and don't deserve an answer. A question, as I see it, requires an answer, and answers lead inevitably to choosing.

I don't know about other people, but choosing is a little difficult with me. When I choose something, it means I must forfeitrepparttar 118142 other.

The Inception of Modern Computers, via the Back Passage.

Written by Thick Mick

Some consideration must be made forrepparttar many memory inconsistencies of Thick Mick. He does his best!

When I was no more thanrepparttar 118124 size of a mediocre ostrich egg, I got my first computer. The year was 0001 A.D.

Now, no more than myself, it wasn’t much to look at. We had no electricity; so needless to say, it wasn’t much of a present either.

You don’t get to be my age by giving out though, so I set about improving it. There were some minor obstacles.

First going of, its processor was made of granite. While this was effective, inrepparttar 118125 absence of electricity, its clock speed left something to be desired. For this, I used a simple mixture of sawdust (Trade Mark) and other sawdust (Trade Mark). Just to clarify that; sawdust is notrepparttar 118126 same anymore and when I wasrepparttar 118127 size of a hippo’s gonad, sawdust wasrepparttar 118128 remains ofrepparttar 118129 saw itself.

Next, I needed to make electricity. I got a heap of piezo-electric cells from my ears and that part was easy enough, though it had an adverse effect on my balance.

The monitor was made from a tablet of limestone, and quite frankly, was hard to keep clean. So I decided to boil more rocks, and through various experiments, I successfully made “one-way” glass. I couldn’t seerepparttar 118130 point in making it two-way, as I would be looking into it and not out of it. Anyway,repparttar 118131 fire was nearly out!

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