Mini-sites (minisites) are great aren't they? They're quick to create, and they focus on one thing only - making
sale! Either you sell your own product on
mini-site, or - and this is what this article concentrates on - you PRE-sell someone else's product, and make affiliate commission on
sale.But where do you start with mini-sites? And how do make sure that your mini-site is a success time after time? (If you're going to create one mini-site you may as well create ten!)
Simple. Follow these 5 steps to success:
Step 1) Choose High-Demand Low-Supply Keywords Step 2) Find A Good Affiliate Program Step 3) Build A Mini-Site That Gets The Sale Step 4) Promote Your Mini-Site Step 5) Measure Results
Let me explain...
Step 1) Choose High-Demand Low-Supply Keywords ==============================================
Quite simply this means discovering niche keywords; popular keywords with little or no competing websites. Wordtracker, an outstanding webmaster tool, does exactly this for you, free.
Wordtracker's free top 500 keyword report shows
500 most popular search terms on
web. Use suitable keywords from this report, or choose your own keywords and feed them into Wordtracker. Wordtracker then generates many similar keyword combinations and quite literally tells you
chances of achieving search engine success with those keywords.
Wordtracker's free trial will probably be good enough for most mini-site owners' needs:
(To find out more about high-demand, low-supply keywords visit: - )
Step 2) Find A Good Affiliate Program =====================================
What makes a good affiliate or associate program? Is it a program with high commission rates, or lifetime commissions? Is it a program based around a product that people *actually* want to buy? Is a good affiliate program simply one that has a high visitors-into-customers conversion rate ( comes to mind, here!). Or does
affiliate program just need to provide excellent tracking and reporting?
A good affiliate program may have some, if not all, of
qualities mentioned above. The following sites can help determine a good affiliate program for YOU, too:
- - - -
(The first two sites both have affiliate forums, where you can find out what others currently think of as good (and bad) affiliate programs. (Never be afraid to ask for advice.))
Or, a good affiliate program may simply be determined by answering this question: would YOU buy products from
If you're really keen to know more about what makes a good affiliate program, then I highly recommend Dr Ken Evoy's FREE 5- day Affiliate Masters e-mail course. This intensive course shows you what to look for in a good affiliate program, how to pre-sell and so much more. To take
course send a blank e-mail
Step 3) Build A Mini-Site That Gets The Sale ===========================================
Firstly, it's important that you design a clean and easy-to-use website. It's vital that
links work on your site, that
pages load quickly and view correctly in a variety of browser versions; and, there should be no spelling mistakes! Good web- authoring tools like Dreamweaver allow you to check these things before your mini-site goes live; otherwise use Netmechanic once your site is up:
- -
And here's a beautifully-designed web-site that can also help, providing free website design advice:
You must choose your words (website copy) carefully, too; use
often-cited acronym AIDA in crafting your copy - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Also, there are many online resources that can help you build a website that sells. Use one of them! Here are a couple of resources I recommend:
- -
If you really want to understand
importance of words in selling - including a better explanation of AIDA - I'd recommend you take
free 5-Day NetWriting Masters email course! To take
course send a blank e-mail
Step 4) Promote Your Website ============================
The first step in promoting your website begins with steps 1) and 3) above. You MUST design search-engine friendly pages, making full use of keyword meta tags, and inserting your keywords sensibly in
copy of your pages (including headings tags H1 or H2 etc.). A brief explanation of how to design search-engine friendly pages can be found at: -