Written by Gina Novelle of www.thirdpocket.com

Copyright by Gina Novelle

This isrepparttar first of a series of articles about a subject so many people want to learn;repparttar 103769 un-sizzled truth of search engines. What do you really know about how a web site is placed? Are you being toldrepparttar 103770 truth? Not only will these articles enlighten you, but alongrepparttar 103771 way, I will create a new web site and inrepparttar 103772 next 2 months we will watch where it lands!

You will learn aboutrepparttar 103773 tricks, and tools I use. If I have an affiliation with any ofrepparttar 103774 companies I recommend, I will let you know. I’m going to start atrepparttar 103775 very beginning. Therefore, I will assume you have little or no knowledge of how web pages get torepparttar 103776 top ofrepparttar 103777 search engines.

There is a reason that large web site companies have names like eBay, Google, and Yahoo! These names are unique, limited in characters, easy to spell, easy to say andrepparttar 103778 biggest reason – they are easy to REMEMBER! I also noticed that they are sounds my toddler makes! I’m not a psychologist, so I won’t go there, but you get my point. I’m not saying that your web site name should be googoogaga.com, butrepparttar 103779 more uniquerepparttar 103780 name,repparttar 103781 less chance of duplication by others. Before you consider purchasing a web name, first check it out! Oh byrepparttar 103782 way,repparttar 103783 name googoogaga.com is already taken.

You think you have a great name for a web site? Go torepparttar 103784 following search engine addresses and type inrepparttar 103785 name. Remember people use spaces if they type in more than one word. This is why your site name should be short! Think of compound words or terms used together, like “cash stash.”

Google Yahoo Altavista MSN AOL(search is atrepparttar 103786 very bottom of their page)

Many people purchase a web name that matches their birth name, as in www.stanleygeorge.com. Just look in your local phone book and see how many others have your name. Why would you think your name would be unique in an entire world of people? Okay, Okay, don’t fret just yet, even if you did use your name as a web name. You will learn how to remedy that situation in this article.

When picking a name for your web site, you want to think ofrepparttar 103787 following items.

Describes what you do Is easy to spell Is easy to remember Has a word or words that people will use in a search Or is Unique enough to create curiosity

That’srepparttar 103788 problem withrepparttar 103789 web names today. Most items people type in a search engine is already used. So I take a different approach to web names. If unable to get a “search term” for a name, then I go for unique names. My new web site for this article is POPCORNFART.COM Okay, does that strike a curiosity? Where did I getrepparttar 103790 name? Actually, it was a saying from my grandfather. Yes, I did checkrepparttar 103791 web, and very few items came up with that verbiage. Now forrepparttar 103792 lesson inrepparttar 103793 name game!


Written by Alvah Parker

Leverage by Alvah Parker

Cassy was an employee of a nonprofit who had been at her job 5 years. She came to me because she felt thatrepparttar organization she was working for didn’t value her and was upset because others had been promoted but she had not.

Byrepparttar 103768 time we began to work together she had already written her resignation letter and asked me to review it with her. Her letter was not an angry one. She even thankedrepparttar 103769 organization forrepparttar 103770 training she had received that had enabled her to have some notable achievements.

After I read it I asked her to think of one skill that she hoped she would get from her next position and weave it intorepparttar 103771 letter so they would know why she was leaving. She chose to highlight leadership skills and inrepparttar 103772 letter said she was leaving to find a position that would allow her to develop her leadership skills.

You can probably guess what happened? The organization offered her a job managing a team immediately. Her manager said he thought she didn’t want to be a manager. The immediate offer was because he didn’t want to lose her!

The third step of my Value Program © is Leverage and by leverage I mean a small shift or change that can produce big results. The small change Cassy made to her letter got a much bigger result than she had even dreamed about!

The word leverage comes fromrepparttar 103773 word lever. I always picture a big rock with a big metal bar under it. If you push a little onrepparttar 103774 metal bar you can moverepparttar 103775 rock. Withoutrepparttar 103776 big metal bar (the lever),repparttar 103777 rock is just too big for you to move.

Clients often come to me because their business isn’t building fast enough or their job or career search is bogged down. There is a lot to do when you are starting to build a business, practice or a career. Results may come slowly. Leverage is key. As you look at allrepparttar 103778 choices of steps to take you will want to ask yourself, “What small step can I take that will produce a big result?

Of course there are an infinite number of answers depending on you and your business. In my experience thoughrepparttar 103779 following three offer leverage to most people:

First a plan can be of enormous help as long as you write it, use it and update it as necessary. Whether you are writing a career plan, job search plan, territory plan, practice plan or business plan, look at it as something you are going to use. So many people shoverepparttar 103780 plan inrepparttar 103781 draw never to be seen again. A plan might take several hours to write but then you have a clear view of how to moverepparttar 103782 rock when you are done.

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