Written by Ann Baehr

TAKE THIS CAREER AND SHOVE IT -- IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! Are you listening to that little voice in your head telling you how much you dislike your job? If not, you may become angry with those around you, when in fact, you'll be angry at yourself for failing to takingrepparttar necessary steps to change your career -- or job withinrepparttar 105069 same industry. Career change is not always easy. For some,repparttar 105070 simple task of deciding what to do is oftenrepparttar 105071 hardest part. For others who know what they want to do, they often feel it will take too long to achieve their career goals when there are bills to pay. It is even more difficult when those around us do not understand our "crazy ideas" because they are too practical to make sacrifices forrepparttar 105072 sake of happiness. So what should you do to steer your career inrepparttar 105073 right direction without upsettingrepparttar 105074 family and draining your bank account? Here are a few suggestions to get you onrepparttar 105075 right career track to job fulfillment. Work for yourself Don't quit your day job just yet. Launching a business is a challenge in itself. Regardless of size, any worthwhile business takes a lot of planning, development, and maintenance to compete and stay in business. The key to successful business ownership begins with a passion to do something you enjoy, followed by a financial investment that depends onrepparttar 105076 business. Sometimes it is minimal, requiring a small space and general office equipment. For larger ventures, a business loan from a bank orrepparttar 105077 SBA might be necessary. Still, it takes time to turn a profit right away. So, if you can, start small while working full time and gradually build your business until you feel secure enough financially to leave that steady paycheck to take your business torepparttar 105078 next level. You can always hire part-time employees, student interns, friends, and family members to help you inrepparttar 105079 beginning and inrepparttar 105080 long run. Attend college or vocational training school You don't always need to attend college full time. If you took a few classes each semester, you'd be amazed how happy you'd be just knowing you are working towards your goal. And, it doesn't always need to be a four-year college. Maybe there is a vocational school that offersrepparttar 105081 type of academic training you need to make a career change in a shorter period of time for a fraction ofrepparttar 105082 cost. Other options include distance learning programs where you can study inrepparttar 105083 comfort of your own home at your own pace.

Graduating With A Plan Of Action

Written by Ann Baehr

Graduating With a Plan of Action

Congratulations, you’ve just graduated with a degree in your chosen field.

So what’s your next step going to be to launch your long-anticipated career?

Like a young racehorse atrepparttar starting gate, you have tons of energy and determination, and are anxious to get out there and seize new career opportunities. But are you ready? Do you know what you need to do? Do you have a plan of action to turn those opportunities into a reality? If you don’t, you will need to get one.

I’m sure you’ve heardrepparttar 105068 old adage thatrepparttar 105069 quickest route from point A to point B is a straight line. Well, launching your career is no different in terms of setting your job search goals and carrying them out diligently and methodically You might have a few corners to navigate, but you should do your best to avoid deviating from your goal as much as possible.

One ofrepparttar 105070 first things you need to decide is what type of job interests yourepparttar 105071 most. Depending on what your degree is, there might be many positions in your field to consider. For example, if you are a graduate nurse you can work in a hospital, clinic, nursing home, childcare center, school, private practice, or field setting. Then, within those settings you can work within various units such as medical-surgical, pediatrics, and maternity. Then there are transitional opportunities.

Let’s say you tried your hand at nursing and realized it was not what you expected. You can always consider pharmaceutical sales as a new career. Some fields, such as business management, are even more flexible. The key is to decide which direction you are headed towards and learn as much about that field as you possible can.

Okay, you hate to admit it, but you spent all of that time and money, but you’re still not sure what you want to do. You have an idea about what you might want to do, but it’s just not clear yet. None ofrepparttar 105072 possibilities you’ve explored get you excited. In fact, you’re feeling downright frustrated and depressed. Don’t worry. It really isn’t that bad. Keep in mind that you don’t have to start atrepparttar 105073 top, and don’t have to commit yourself to an employer. So don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Maybe you just need to get your foot inrepparttar 105074 door somewhere to testrepparttar 105075 waters before you decide to go full steam ahead. You might even want to spendrepparttar 105076 first year to discover what it is that you really want to do. That way your mind will be open to possibilities and you will have a positive attitude. Just don’t waste time. Set weekly goals. Use that year to WORK at finding out what you want to do. Then prepare to do it – and do it well.

If you want to explore your career withoutrepparttar 105077 assistance of a job coach or career counselor, a good way to start is to conduct some independent research. Let’s assume your degree in is law enforcement or criminal justice. You will need to decide if you want to work in corporate security or private investigation. But how do you decide? Well, if your college’s career center cannot provide you with specific information, visit Occupational Outlook Handbook online (http://www.bls.gov/oco/) to get an overview of various positions in your field. Join industry specific chat rooms to see what everyone is talking about. Go torepparttar 105078 websites of various companies. Get involved in conversations. Ask lots of questions. Get advice from friends, family members, and neighbors. Ask them what they do and how they got started.

If you are not sure if a particular area of your industry is right for you, call or write professionals already in positions of interest to request an information interview. An information interview will allow yourepparttar 105079 opportunity to question a professional aboutrepparttar 105080 nature and requirements of a position. Some people will not be available, whereas other people will welcomerepparttar 105081 opportunity to give you fifteen minutes of their time. If someone avoids you, don’t take it personally. Just move on torepparttar 105082 next possible contact. Once you make a connection, you will need to be polite, organized, and demonstrate exceptional professionalism and communication skills. During your information interview, remember to take detailed notes. When you are done, thank them wholeheartedly for their time. Be sure to get their full name and contact information so you can send them a follow-up thank you letter. They might even have an opening, so be sure to make a good impression.

Once you have narrowed it down, have your résumé developed professionally and post it on major job boards, such as monster.com, careerbuilder.com, and hotjobs.com to see what contacts can be made. While you are there, search job openings to glean whatrepparttar 105083 job descriptions are so you can see what will be expected of you. Your résumé writer will probably want you to do that anyway so they can get a good idea ofrepparttar 105084 jobs you are interested in to ensure your résumé is very targeted. Be proactive and tell your résumé writer that you have done that and would like to share that information with them.

Okay, so now you know what you want to do and you have a great résumé and cover letter. Now what? You’ve probably heard how important networking is – that it’s not what you know but who you know. Well, that’s not alwaysrepparttar 105085 case; but knowingrepparttar 105086 right person sure can’t hurt. With that in mind, let everyone you come in contact with know you are looking for a job. Be sure to keep your résumé updated and in your car (protected from spills and creasing) so you can hand them out at a moment’s notice. Join an organization to become acquainted with people in your industry, attend career fairs, become affiliated with recruiters, and research companies online (post your résumé at their websites), atrepparttar 105087 library, and even inrepparttar 105088 yellow pages to get leads to mail your résumé and cover letter. This last approach is a great strategy. Let’s say you recently graduated with your Masters in Social Work. You can open your yellow pages to Adoption Agencies to acquirerepparttar 105089 mailing addresses of several social service agencies. Be sure to callrepparttar 105090 receptionist first to requestrepparttar 105091 proper name, title, and department ofrepparttar 105092 contact to send your résumé and cover letter. Other strategies include creating a web résumé so people can view your formatted, interactive resume online. If you don’t know how to do this, research how or hire someone to do it for you. Be sure to have business cards made and add your web résumé address to it!

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