Written by Cadi Nobles

Most ofrepparttar problems we encounter later in our lives stem from things that began when we were very young. Mistakes and misconceptions that were fertilized and encouraged to grow, can often cause us great harm as we age. Often, if seems like a small thing at first, even innocent. For example, teaching children aboutrepparttar 126937 tooth fairy or Easter Bunny may seem fun and harmless, but there will come a day when that child wants and needs real answers. No sane adult still believes inrepparttar 126938 tooth fairy or Santa Clause, so that means at some point in their lives they were introduced torepparttar 126939 evidence of reality. There was a moment that they discovered for themselves that it had all been "pretend." For a while, they may have felt like that victim of everyone's joke. Allrepparttar 126940 adults (including their parents) had known and was involved in encouraging them to believe a lie.

In some skewered way of thinking, we might chalk this up as a real "life lesson." While Santa Clause andrepparttar 126941 Easter Bunny tend to go away quickly, there are some things that will take much longer. Allowing children to learn and acceptrepparttar 126942 Evolutionary Theory from a very small age is a well documented mistake. The "fend for yourself" mentality ofrepparttar 126943 teaching can shape and mold young minds far more than we realize. While liberal scientists like to promoterepparttar 126944 theory as basically proven fact, and force our attention away fromrepparttar 126945 obvious flaws and holes, we are often fooled into believing that this teaching will go no farther thanrepparttar 126946 classroom.

History has proven that to be utterly false. Many might not realize that Adolph Hitler studied and fully accepted Darwin's theory of evolution as a young painter. This adamant belief in "survival ofrepparttar 126947 fittest" is what he cited as his entire justification of a perfect race. Hitler believed he was merely fulfillingrepparttar 126948 ultimate will of evolution, doing his part to assurerepparttar 126949 perfectly evolved race would come about more quickly.

It never ceases to amaze me atrepparttar 126950 "Christian" parents and teachers that seem totally willing to allow this poison to enter young minds. With some vague argument like "separation of church and state" or a line like "let them make up their own minds,"repparttar 126951 heart and soul of our children are simply turned over torepparttar 126952 wiles ofrepparttar 126953 Devil.


Written by Clint Nobles

"They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: But lusted exceedingly inrepparttar wilderness, and tempted God inrepparttar 126936 desert. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul." Ps. 106:13-15

I have long enjoyed readingrepparttar 126937 one hundredth and sixth chapter ofrepparttar 126938 book of Psalms where David chronicledrepparttar 126939 Israel's past, creating, if you will, his own history book. But I failed to realizerepparttar 126940 Biblical reason for keeping a record of a Nation's or an individual's past. Paul explained that "whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning." (Rom. 15:4) God wants mankind to learn from our mistakes that we may "cease to do evil; learn to do well." (Isa. 1:16,17) Here in Psalms 106 we find example after example of things we may cease from doing. One such illustration is found in our text for today. Verse 15 is a startling reminder that though we seek after something with all of our earthly heart, once given this assumed blessing byrepparttar 126941 hand of God, it might berepparttar 126942 very thing that takes us from that oneness walk withrepparttar 126943 one true God.

Israel had eaten manna until they were sick of it, they could not stand to gather it day after day. Even though they feasted onrepparttar 126944 food of angles, their human appetite was never satisfied. They began murmuring againstrepparttar 126945 man of God, and against God himself saying, "Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in Egypt." (Num. 11:18) They cried againstrepparttar 126946 God of Heaven,repparttar 126947 Lord of their salvation, they mocked him saying, "Why came we forth out of Egypt?" (Num. 11:20) Therefore he abhorred them and gave them that which they wanted; but fleshly satisfaction does not come without a price! They aterepparttar 126948 flesh of fowl until it came forth from their nostrils, until they could not standrepparttar 126949 site of it, butrepparttar 126950 recompense was not over. They not only suffered physically, butrepparttar 126951 Lord Jehovah "sent leanness into their soul." They could not be content with whatrepparttar 126952 Lord provided, they wanted what they had back in Egypt. In Egypt they might have been slaves. In Egypt they might have been beaten, but at least, they reasoned, they had flesh to eat and wine to drink. But here, inrepparttar 126953 wilderness, what did they have? Water from rocks and bread that fell as dew from Heaven. Their continual cries came before God and he gave themrepparttar 126954 desires of their heart. But you see, their heart did not desirerepparttar 126955 things of God, but what they had back inrepparttar 126956 land of bondage. However, though they feasted onrepparttar 126957 lust of their heart, their souls languished onrepparttar 126958 memories of glory days gone by.

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