Written by Hifzur Rehman

Let us talk about beauty from a different angle!

We have our own criteria for judgingrepparttar beauty of a woman. We lookrepparttar 123177 beauty of a lady from a certain angle and then passrepparttar 123178 remarks whether she is beautiful or not. It’s not fair. Let me tell every woman that she is unique and beautiful.

The business of beauty is thriving everywhere. Women are spending much of their time and money on buying beauty products. Even inrepparttar 123179 third world countries, women living belowrepparttar 123180 poverty line, buy cheap and substandard beauty products, which give more harm to their skin than good.

It’srepparttar 123181 fundamental right of every woman to look beautiful. Every woman wants to listenrepparttar 123182 sweet words “you are beautiful”. Butrepparttar 123183 beauty of a woman is far from her looks or figure. Physical beauty is only one aspect while a beautiful charming personality is a complete blend of many fine characteristics such as good manners, etiquette, behavior, smile, intelligence, sense of humor, social and family values etc., all make a woman look beautiful and attractive.

How to Be Strong and Powerful

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach

When we think of leadership, we often think ofrepparttar traits of strength, and power. But what are these really, and how do they operate?

Leadership today is not about coercion and forcing others to do things. If these things are even possible, they are short-term, and tend to backfire. If you force someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must, butrepparttar 123176 resentment they feel will do more harm inrepparttar 123177 long-term. They will also experience fear.

Fear causesrepparttar 123178 thinking brain to shut down, makingrepparttar 123179 person unable to function at his or her best. If they associate you with this emotion of fear, they will become less functional around you, and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself inrepparttar 123180 foot, but possibly rendering a very competent and effective employee, partner or colleague dysfunctional. Fear has no place in leadership.

The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, way of being, and understanding and use of emotion. We can order someone to do something, which may be part ofrepparttar 123181 work day; or we can engage them atrepparttar 123182 emotional level, so they become invested inrepparttar 123183 project and provide some of their own motivation. Today’s work place is all about relationships. It always has been, but it’s just now being labeled as such.

Anyone works harder in a positive environment where they’re recognized and valued as a human being as well as a worker. Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like. This is human nature. Leaders understandrepparttar 123184 way things work, not a fantasy of how things “should” work. Over and over we read thatrepparttar 123185 pay check is notrepparttar 123186 single most motivating factor inrepparttar 123187 work life of most people. What is? The relationship!

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