I`ve had people come to me and say "Traffic Exchanges are useless, and I don`t have time to click anyway", or they`ll say "There are too many of them, and I find it all overwhelming" Here`s what I say: Ok,
traffic may not be 100% targeted visitors, but somebody, somewhere just MIGHT like your product, affiliate program, salespage etc.
The more traffic you get,
more likely you are to actually find those people. First of all, whatever you do, don`t just jump onto any old traffic exchange, read it thoroughly, make sure you get at LEAST a 2:1 credit ratio, which basically means: you visit 2 websites, in exchange for one visitor to YOUR chosen website.
Next, join 4 or 5 good traffic exchanges,. Read everything you can about using
program, so you know you won`t be breaking
Now on to
hard work bit: Lets call
chosen exchanges A, B, C, D and E. Pull up notepad, copy/paste your referral links to
5 programs into it (ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste). Do
same with your surfing links, (sometimes known as startpage links), and make sure you DON`T confuse
You need to plug each Traffic Exchange into
other to create a circle. (example: where it asks for website put program A into program B, B into C, C into D, D into E, and finally E into A)
So now, each traffic exchange is promoting one of
others. The reason for this is to build your downlines in
various exchanges. Why work hard for traffic if you can get others to work for you?
Ok, next step can be tedious, but if you`ve chosen
right traffic exchanges, it can be kinda fun too. Open
5 programs, using your Surf/Startpage link.