Written by Larry Johnson

Some call them "tag lines"; others refer to them as "catch lines" or "tie-in-slogans." Whateverrepparttar words used to refer to them, they are perhapsrepparttar 121176 most important part of your promotional writing.

Do you recognize any of these ? :

"Like a rock..." "Flyrepparttar 121177 friendly skies..." "It'srepparttar 121178 real thing !" "Quality is job number one" "The quicker-picker-upper"

Most of those tag lines are recognizable by us without even includingrepparttar 121179 name ofrepparttar 121180 company or product.

They summarize in a very few wordsrepparttar 121181 essence ofrepparttar 121182 thing they are promoting. They communicate a good, positive feeling or relationship torepparttar 121183 product. They do it with a simple, rememberable phrase that is easily repeated.

The shorterrepparttar 121184 description is,repparttar 121185 more challenging it is to write. Anyone can write a 500-word description of a product or service. Now try doing it with 5 to 10 words ! Each word you choose is very important torepparttar 121186 message.

HERE ARE SOME TIPS for writing good taglines for your business offer.

1) Start by noticing ads on billboards as you drive downrepparttar 121187 road. Billboard advertisers have but a couple of seconds to grab your attention and sell their product or service. Usually their copy is going to be a very good tagline with a picture ofrepparttar 121188 product or service. These are great examples of how to write effective taglines.

2) Notice other media forms like magazine and newspaper display ads, business cards, brief radio and TV commercials. Observerepparttar 121189 thing that caught your attention and makesrepparttar 121190 message easily remembered. It's usually a concise and well-written tagline.

3) Write down everything you can think of that relates to your business. You may even start with a narrative description in paragraph form.

4) Now, make a list ofrepparttar 121191 top 25 or 30 things that are important and worth mentioning. Whittle that list down to 8 or 10 ofrepparttar 121192 most important things you wish to say. Now eliminate repetition or things that are not really that necessary to your product or service. Get your list of words or phrases down to 3 or 4 central elements.

Utilize Those Traffic Exchanges.

Written by Anna-Marie Stewart

I`ve had people come to me and say "Traffic Exchanges are useless, and I don`t have time to click anyway", or they`ll say "There are too many of them, and I find it all overwhelming"

Here`s what I say: Ok,repparttar traffic may not be 100% targeted visitors, but somebody, somewhere just MIGHT like your product, affiliate program, salespage etc.

The more traffic you get,repparttar 121175 more likely you are to actually find those people. First of all, whatever you do, don`t just jump onto any old traffic exchange, read it thoroughly, make sure you get at LEAST a 2:1 credit ratio, which basically means: you visit 2 websites, in exchange for one visitor to YOUR chosen website.

Next, join 4 or 5 good traffic exchanges,. Read everything you can about usingrepparttar 121176 program, so you know you won`t be breakingrepparttar 121177 rules.

Now on torepparttar 121178 hard work bit: Lets callrepparttar 121179 chosen exchanges A, B, C, D and E. Pull up notepad, copy/paste your referral links torepparttar 121180 5 programs into it (ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste). Dorepparttar 121181 same with your surfing links, (sometimes known as startpage links), and make sure you DON`T confuserepparttar 121182 two.

You need to plug each Traffic Exchange intorepparttar 121183 other to create a circle. (example: where it asks for website put program A into program B, B into C, C into D, D into E, and finally E into A)

So now, each traffic exchange is promoting one ofrepparttar 121184 others. The reason for this is to build your downlines inrepparttar 121185 various exchanges. Why work hard for traffic if you can get others to work for you?

Ok, next step can be tedious, but if you`ve chosenrepparttar 121186 right traffic exchanges, it can be kinda fun too. Openrepparttar 121187 5 programs, using your Surf/Startpage link.

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