Systems for Success

Written by George Torok

What does it take to succeed? How many times have you asked that question of yourself and others? You may have heard many different answers. I have found one thing that successful people have in common. They use systems.

They may or may not have talent. If they did they learned not to rely on talent alone. Talent is seductive. For example, if you are talented at golf you might be tempted not to practice. You might believe you can wing it. Tiger Woods never wings it. Wayne Gretzky never winged it. Both of them are tremendously talented at their sport. But they know not to rely on that talent alone. They developed systems.

What is a system? A set of practices, procedures and habits melded into a process that you learn, perform, evaluate, improve and do again - repeatedly. Everything that you do can be a process. This applies in your personal life but especially to your business. To run a marathon requires a simple system - training, diet, measurement and repetition. The hard part is takingrepparttar 70,000 steps to completerepparttar 134919 race. Your business is more like a marathon than a sprint.

Everything in your business begs for a system. Business is real simple that way; discoverrepparttar 134920 system and do it. And systems by their nature are simple. They demand only persistence and consistence.

Let's look atrepparttar 134921 most important aspect to your business - sales. If you don't sell you die. Can't get more important than that. Selling is not luck or talent - it is a process. You find a client who wants your product, they seerepparttar 134922 value in buying from you, they can afford it, and they buy. That is over simplified but that isrepparttar 134923 process. Depending onrepparttar 134924 business you are in you learnrepparttar 134925 details of each step and apply them. A friend of mine told me that he knows how many million dollar clients he will get this month andrepparttar 134926 one after. Why? Because he knowsrepparttar 134927 process and where to find them. The difference betweenrepparttar 134928 $10,000 client andrepparttar 134929 $1million client is where to look. The selling process isrepparttar 134930 same. The only difference isrepparttar 134931 system of where you look. To maximize his sales he keeps reapplyingrepparttar 134932 process (system) and strives to find opportunities for improving efficiency inrepparttar 134933 system.

The second most important activity in your business is marketing. Why? Because marketing is everything you do that makes it easier to sell. Here is where following a system is even more important. Marketing is about sending messages. Building your visibility, credibility, value, character and reputation takes time. Andrepparttar 134934 results are difficult to measure. You might be tempted to give up too soon.

What marketing systems do you have in place? You might consider implementing some of these.

The Truth About Traffic

Written by John Reese

Have you ever thought about why is it so important to have a large amount of dependable traffic come to your website? What'srepparttar single biggest benefit of having a large amount of dependable traffic come to your website?

Most people thinkrepparttar 134918 biggest benefit of having a large amount of traffic is "money" -- and that's what a lot of "gurus" will tell you too. But these people are completely missingrepparttar 134919 Big Picture.

You see, money is a benefit, but it's hardlyrepparttar 134920 biggest benefit of having a large amount of traffic.

The REAL biggest benefit of having a large amount of traffic is that you can improve whatever you're doing to make money at a much faster rate, particularly in that market, than if you had less traffic.

***** Discoverrepparttar 134921 proven, 'lab-tested' strategies a 33-year- old Florida man used to drive over 1.57 BILLION visitors to his website, and produce millions of dollars in sales!

Go to http: to discover these secrets right away. *****

This is an important concept -- so let me break it down and explain it in detail.

Let's say you publish an email newsletter on gardening, and in your newsletter you promote some related affiliate products and earn affiliate commissions. That meansrepparttar 134922 more subscribers you get on your newsletter,repparttar 134923 more money you make.

So suppose you have a webpage that promotes your newsletter. If you set up a second version of that webpage (say, with a different headline) and you run a split-test between those 2 pages, one of those pages will get more people to join your newsletter. (Which means, it'll make you more money.)

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