
Written by Philip Bromley


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Philip Bromley

If you listen torepparttar 101807 Experts and Gurus they will all tell you that to be sucessful your website needs content. Fine but when you are starting out, or even established, providing content is a time consuming business. You writerepparttar 101808 content yourself or spend hours searchingrepparttar 101809 net's FREE content sites. That sadly is notrepparttar 101810 end for in order for your site to attract visitor return or "Stickiness" you have to find fresh content on a regular basis.

That sadly is justrepparttar 101811 begining of your problems as you now haverepparttar 101812 task of adding this new content to your web site. almost certainly this will involve some downtime for your site. There has to be a better way,and there is! Before you are completely put off by my explanation try this experiment. Pasterepparttar 101813 following code into Notepad or any other suitable text editor. Saverepparttar 101814 file as an html page. I suggest you callrepparttar 101815 file syndication and save it to your My Documents. Click on this html file and you will see one of our test panels

Now if you are like me you will have had a sharp intake of breath atrepparttar 101816 mention of javascript, don't panic and dismiss any thoughts of needing to be a programmer. The whole ofrepparttar 101817 basis of js files is a simple line of code:

Let It Begin With Me

Written by Helaine Iris

Let It Begin With Me Helaine Iris ©2003

“Adopting an attitude of universal responsibility is essentially a personal matter. The real test of compassion is not what we say in abstract discussions but how we conduct ourselves in daily life.” Dalai Lama

I was recently on a glorious vacation in Los Angeles. I took ten days off to play, rejuvenate and get some well-needed sunshine with my family. I was aware during my “time off” thatrepparttar political crisis in Iraq was heating up.

I don’t often feel directly vulnerable torepparttar 101806 threat of terrorism. I live in a small rural city in New Hampshire; forrepparttar 101807 most part I haverepparttar 101808 luxury (orrepparttar 101809 illusion) of feeling safe in my physical environment.

Duringrepparttar 101810 days in LA I was inundated and saturated with newspapers and media. After all, there I was inrepparttar 101811 heart of a major possible terrorist target. I couldn’t keep my eyes off ofrepparttar 101812 LA Times, I was irresistibly drawn torepparttar 101813 stories about bombs and chemical warfare and small pox horrors. I looked around atrepparttar 101814 hundreds of people onrepparttar 101815 streets and wondered what would happen if there was an emergency? The thought left me cold.

The day before we were scheduled to fly homerepparttar 101816 security rating went up a notch to high alert. I was starting to truly be concerned about getting on an airplane.

I wanted to quell my anxiety; I certainly didn’t want my daughter to pick up on my fears and be worried about flying home.

Then, it occurred to me. “They” were winning. I was experiencing terrorism. According to Webster’s Dictionary,repparttar 101817 definition of terrorism is “use of force or threats to demoralize or intimidate.” And it was working.

In that moment I realized it was my choice to stay afraid or not. I became aware ofrepparttar 101818 “game” that is being played and how easily I fell into it. Suddenly, I felt a calm and a resolve that I wouldn’t let my life be dictated by fear. I became aware ofrepparttar 101819 balance between staying informed and getting sucked in. The tide of fear was turning.

I began to realize whether there is peace in my life or not comes down to my responsibility. Said another way, my ability to respond begins with my thoughts and moves to my actions. It’s all I have control over. Yes, it’s my preference not to go to war with Iraq, and can I start by not going to war within myself?

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