Swimming In The Clouds

Written by Kavit M Haria

Towardsrepparttar end of April, I began to work with another charity called AgeConcern - this time raising money forrepparttar 122824 elderly in need as I took uprepparttar 122825 opportunity of a lifetime and a lifetime goal - swimming inrepparttar 122826 clouds.

An early morning journey from Harrow to Chatteris took just over an hour and we arrived atrepparttar 122827 North London Parachute Centre right on schedule. I went torepparttar 122828 registration trailer and signed up. Half an hour later, we had some training and watched a video that showedrepparttar 122829 experience. Noticing that I wasn'trepparttar 122830 only "first timer" there washed away some nerves. It was a calm anticipation.

It was my turn. I put onrepparttar 122831 straps and looked like a real skydiver forrepparttar 122832 first time in my life, although I feltrepparttar 122833 pain ofrepparttar 122834 straps tied so hard inrepparttar 122835 most awkward of places. As I met my photographer and instructor, we enteredrepparttar 122836 plane and filed in. We sat toboggan style in two rows, facingrepparttar 122837 back ofrepparttar 122838 plane. I was onrepparttar 122839 side ofrepparttar 122840 door and a few people back from it. We all got in andrepparttar 122841 plane began its taxi alongrepparttar 122842 runway. We lined up and took off. That was a powerful plane. I love taking off and I had never experienced one like this. I could seerepparttar 122843 ground going away and down throughrepparttar 122844 open door. That was great. As we reached about 10,000 feet or so,repparttar 122845 instructor began to hook up to me and run throughrepparttar 122846 first of 3 safety checks. My mind was still on what was happening atrepparttar 122847 moment, no time to think about anything else. We finished withrepparttar 122848 prep work and went up on our knees.

As I put my legs underrepparttar 122849 plane and my head back, I was instructed to keep my hands crossed to my chest and to look atrepparttar 122850 engine ofrepparttar 122851 plane. The photographer had leftrepparttar 122852 plane and BOOM - we leftrepparttar 122853 plane too. Byrepparttar 122854 time I could understand where I was, I was trying to smile forrepparttar 122855 cameraman in front of me whilst flying intorepparttar 122856 ice. When we reached our jump height we descended from a sitting position. I wasrepparttar 122857 first to go, but allrepparttar 122858 nerves had been wiped out, asrepparttar 122859 instructor was so friendly that you couldn't possibly have any nerves. We jumped out intorepparttar 122860 clouds and instantly I was in a whole different world. There was a guy going solo, and another with a video camera attached to his helmet. As I watched they jumped out and within a second were swallowed byrepparttar 122861 clouds around them. It was a magnificent sight and I was in heaven. It was worthrepparttar 122862 whole thing just to witness that. Words cannot describe how exhilarating it was.

I am unique.

Written by graham and julie

We have given a lot of thought, paid an indecent amount of money and taken much action overrepparttar years to changerepparttar 122823 way we are. To become ‘better’ human beings. To makerepparttar 122824 most of this life we have. To get rid ofrepparttar 122825 behaviours that are counterproductive. The behaviours that cause harm to us and others.

We have attended numerous courses, workshops and seminars aroundrepparttar 122826 world. Only to find thatrepparttar 122827 bottom line is that no one can do it except us. No one can changerepparttar 122828 way you are except you.

Adding a technique or two, or focussing on a behaviour that causes upset does not work. In order to ensure you are constantly happy, healthy and more at peace withrepparttar 122829 world you need to changerepparttar 122830 way you think about yourself.

Have you ever thought aboutrepparttar 122831 way you describe yourself? When you are asked who are you? What do you reply? Do you start with your occupation or your role? If you did you replied inrepparttar 122832 way you have been trained by society. But you answeredrepparttar 122833 wrong question. You answeredrepparttar 122834 question What are you? Or What do you do?

So when asked: Who are you? What isrepparttar 122835 reply? One answer would be, “ I am a human being”. OK . Now turn it on its head. What about: A being that happens to be human? How does that fit? Does that describe who you are?

But, what does that mean? What does it mean to be a being that happens to be human? Aren’t you just playing on words?

No. To us it is important. It changesrepparttar 122836 way you view yourself. For usrepparttar 122837 phrase; ‘ a being that happens to be human’ means someone who is unfinished, uncompleted. Someone who is on a journey. Someone who is becoming something. Someone who has a natural tendency to grow. Someone who is free to choose whatever path they want. Someone who, left alone, naturally chooses positive and constructive paths. Someone who has a natural tendency to grow, to develop, to achieve their natural potential.

We know, it sounds scary, but just think about this for a moment. Wherever you go for a bit of peace and quiet go there and think for a moment.

I am a being. Someone who naturally chooses what is best for me. Someone who is always becoming. Someone who has an inherent talent to take care of themselves. Someone who is naturally motivated to grow, to develop and to achieve their natural potential.

This means: not only are you are unique but you have a natural ability to move towards fulfilling your potential.

Take a minute and look back over your life. Note down allrepparttar 122838 major events good and bad. Now review them. When you look back were they turning moments in your life? Can you see a benefit? Can you see how you are choosing what is best for you even though it didn’t feel like it atrepparttar 122839 time?

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