Sweet Dreams

Written by Sue Dyson

An amazing thing happened to me a little while ago. I was out for a sweet power walk one evening with my new friend Jan. We just recently met, both new torepparttar area, both with kids at home.

We have begun asking each other out for walks, usually around 9 pm when kids are in or going to bed. Or at least pretending to. It's pure, unadulterated, woman time. Plus, we get exercise. I happened to ask her this one night, "What do you dream about doing?".

Boy, talk about getting to know someone well and quickly! This was such a great, intimate question to ask. (I must say!) What it did, was, it cut torepparttar 130890 quick ofrepparttar 130891 matter. We could have spent our time talking about trivialities, who did what that day, what our partners said about something,repparttar 130892 things that came up that day with our kids. That stuff will always be there. It's simply busy-talk.

How often do we get to tell someone we trust about our dreams? There's something magical that happens once we begin talking about them, too. They begin to take on a life of their own. suddenly our dream is not such a secret anymore.

Sometimes we aren't even aware of how we feel about our desire or dream until it is verbally expressed. Putting it into words makes it come alive. It's not that we become more accountable or anything, well, maybe it causes us to become more accountable to ourselves. The purpose in expressing our dreams isn't meant to put pressure on us. It's more mystical than that. Putting it out inrepparttar 130893 open, expressing our desires, impresses onrepparttar 130894 Universe what we want. If it's something we are entirely passionate about, something we deeply yearn for,repparttar 130895 feeling will be expressed and impressed as well and that's when cool things begin to happen. See, this great Universe of ours really wants us to have all we desire. When our heart is truly into it, that's whenrepparttar 130896 Universe knows for certain it is something we truly desire.

Working Moms - Got Guilt?

Written by Debi Bogard

~WORKING MOM~ Got Guilt?

IF YOU ARE A WORKING PARENT, PARTICULARLY A WORKING MOM, IT'S LIKELY YOU ARE AMONG THE 95% WHO FEEL GUILTY WHEN THEY LEAVE THEIR KIDS AND GO TO WORK. Many moms leave their day care in tears and then spendrepparttar rest ofrepparttar 130888 day aching to be with their child. Few people can afford to quit their jobs so they go on, day after day, living this vicious cycle of guilt. The truth is that until you acknowledgerepparttar 130889 true antagonist, you cannot change it!

SO WHERE DID THIS GUILT COME FROM ANYWAY? Since monsters hide inrepparttar 130890 dark, let's shine a light on this one so it will go away. Most likely, you were working before you had children and fully intended to work after you had children. No surprise there! The surprise came when that first day arrived to drop your baby off at day care. It was almost impossible to leave, wasn't it? As you got used torepparttar 130891 idea of saying good-bye to your child forrepparttar 130892 day, that nagging guilt manifested in many other ways - you know,repparttar 130893 temptation to not discipline inrepparttar 130894 evening so you could have "quality time";repparttar 130895 keeping her up too late because you have not been with her all day. Not to mention that underlying fear that your child will become more attached to, and have a stronger relationship with your day care provider than she has with you.

BEING A WORKING PARENT IS PART OF TODAY'S WORLD. Most families cannot maintainrepparttar 130896 lifestyle they have worked so hard to create without two incomes. The conflict arises for women whenrepparttar 130897 traditional model ofrepparttar 130898 stay-at-home-mom starts rumbling like a small earthquake in her heart. The necessity and expectation to have women be a breadwinner AND mom is still fairly new. There are a lot of hats to wear, and taking one off before putting another on is often impossible. The hat for a demanding job seems to never come off, even for some essential, 100%, mom-time.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH EACH DAY AT WORK FEELING LIKE A "BAD MOM" (NOT MY WORDS), NOR DO YOU NEED TO SPEND YOUR FAMILY TIME MAKING UP TO YOUR CHILD FOR THE FACT THAT YOU WORK. Here are 3 simple steps that will free you to give yourself permission to enjoy your professional life and blossom as a parent as well:

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