Sweeping Up Worms

Written by Nan S. Russell

Withrepparttar opening of a new venture and numerous reporters arriving in an hour, it felt like one of those "chickens with heads off" days. We were close, but not ready. So like locusts to a wheat field, a swarm of people were devouringrepparttar 107065 last minute details. Then, it rained. With rain, came worms, hundreds washing ontorepparttar 107066 entrance sidewalk. When I returned torepparttar 107067 area, I found a manager, several department supervisors and a director outside with brooms, sweeping up worms. No one asked them to sweep worms. But, with guests arriving shortly and no one else available, they found brooms and started sweeping.

They didn't get hung up over titles or roles. Instead, they did what needed to be done atrepparttar 107068 time. Their actions were what I call, ego-detached. Being ego-detached frees you to do what needs to be done because it's not about you; it's about something bigger than you. It's an attitude of contribution. How can I best serve today? How can I help? What can I contribute? Being ego-detached is takingrepparttar 107069 you (your ego) out ofrepparttar 107070 picture. It's looking atrepparttar 107071 best result, not necessarilyrepparttar 107072 result that's best for you.

But here'srepparttar 107073 twist. Being ego detached is not being ego-less. I heard Donald Trump talking about egos with Larry King on CNN recently. He commented that allrepparttar 107074 successful people he knew had big egos, defining ego as confidence or self-esteem. Certainly believing in yourself and having high self-esteem are qualities to help grow personal success. I'm not suggesting you shed either. Quiterepparttar 107075 opposite. You need plenty of confidence and self-esteem in order to be ego-detached.

What Everybody Ought To Know About How To Change Their Career or Profession and Still Survive And Thrive In The 21st Century

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided torepparttar author, and it appears withrepparttar 107064 included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required.

Dr. Denis Waitley, trainer of leaders, including Super Bowl and Olympic athletes, Apollo astronauts, and Fortune 500 executives, isrepparttar 107065 most listened to voice on personal and career achievement andrepparttar 107066 author ofrepparttar 107067 all-time best-seller, The Psychology of Winning claims thatrepparttar 107068 21st century is unlike anything we could have imaged.

According to Dr. Waitley,repparttar 107069 employee today needs to learn how to:

* make his career fireproof;

* go from employee to owner;

* change his frustration to motivation;

* make “work” work for him rather than against him;

* create a new source of income and financial security;

* create win-win situations for himself, his family, and his friends;

* take charge of his health and his life (and, it goes without saying,repparttar 107070 health and life of his family).

The kind of professional career and business we need to be looking for is one that offersrepparttar 107071 following:

* a clear and elevating mission to help improverepparttar 107072 quality of life;

*repparttar 107073 finest quality products and services inrepparttar 107074 industry it serves;

* an environment that fosters empowerment;

*repparttar 107075 opportunity to succeed on one’s own merits and efforts; and

* a growth opportunity that is soundly capitalized, with staying power, resources, and integrity weighed before profit asrepparttar 107076 ultimate bottomline.

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