Sustainable Health

Written by Tobi Nagy

Introduction Asrepparttar western world is approaching a pandemic in obesity and stress related illnesses, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and diabetes, good health is something we take for granted. Most of us focus on our health, when we are ill or have had a major catastrophe in our lives, when it simply might be too late. • Our society has conditioned us to constantly focus on our material wealth; at all costs however having good health is something money simply can’t buy.

What is Sustainable Health? Sustainable health is a personal commitment to maintaining and taking responsibility for your own health, through preventative (proactive) means. • This means not only having regular exercise, and taking care of what we eat, but also maintaining a healthy and balanced state of mind. For 4,500 years, Indian Aryuvedic medicine has taught us that illnesses are caused through an unhealthy or unbalanced mind. Although modern science has disproved this, there is still some truth inrepparttar 143082 Aryuvedic approach. However, science just does not have allrepparttar 143083 answers and doesn’t work for everyone. Health is a three way balance of genetics, environment and state of mind. Most often genetics and environment are out of our control. • Ultimatelyrepparttar 143084 only thing we can control is our state of mind andrepparttar 143085 toxins we put into it, through what we eat. If you take responsibility for your own health through preventative means, then ultimately you don’t place a burden onrepparttar 143086 people you love such as your family, relatives and society in general. Taking care isrepparttar 143087 rule here. Sustainable Health is: • A preventative approach • A balance of mind, body and spirit • Taking care of what we put into our bodies • Taking natural medicines to maintaining your health and hopefully preventing illnesses before they take shape. • Leading and maintaining a balanced life, by taking a “middle road” approach. Not too little, not too much isrepparttar 143088 key. What are its aims? • Taking responsible for one’s own health, through a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach.

Current Approach Most doctors fail to realize this because they andrepparttar 143089 industry work on reactive approach, and they are trained to think in a reactive approach. In western civilization this is how doctors make a living and pharmaceutical companies thrive. • In ancient China,repparttar 143090 opposite was true. If a patient was sick, thenrepparttar 143091 doctor was fined for failing his or her duty. • Today we are ruled by pharmaceutical companies and health insurance companies, using a fear approach. • Nearly all reactive medicines have side effects, just ask any G.P. Some have even been well documented by researchers and doctors. Point in example isrepparttar 143092 arthritis pill Vioxx tm, which has reportedly killed over 100,000 people inrepparttar 143093 U.S since its introduction, and over 300 people in Australia. Vioxx tm relieves pain of arthritis but triggers heart attacks and strokes. • How many other medicines are there like that?

Sustainable Health Principles • Your health is fundamentally directly related to your mental condition and toxins we put into our bodies, through what we eat, drink and breathe. • Chronic and terminal illnesses doesn't just happen. They happen for a reason. A sure sign that you and your body may be out of balance or “sync” with your environment.

The 10 principles of Sustainable Health: 1. Maintain a balanced life, (middle road approach) 2. Have a healthy diet 3. Exercise regularly 4. Sleep well 5. Maintain a regular rhythm in life. 6. Take preventative natural medicines to maintain health 7. Engage in spiritual practices manifested through meditation, mind training and raising personal consciousness 8. Learn to live and laugh more 9. Building discipline in our selves through mind training and raising awareness 10. Take a simpler approach to life

• The result of this will reduce your stress level andrepparttar 143094 impact of stress upon your health and body.

Balanced life What is a balanced life? A balanced life means being in control of all aspects of our life, such as: 1. Physical 2. Mental 3. Spiritual 4. Family 5. Financial 6. Work and Career 7. Social It also means not to live to excesses, because we become attached to them. When we become attached to them, we lose empowerment and they take over and control us. Point in example is TV, drugs and gambling.

Preventative Medicines • Tribal societies have long known about preventative, which we are only starting to realise now. • Daily doses of preventative medicine may help you and boost your immune system. What are natural preventive medicines? Thinks like herbs, tonics, foods and drinks. Things like fresh fruit or plants like St.Johns Wort, Aloe Vera or Mangosteen, just to name a few. Spiritual Practices Why do we need to maintain a spiritual approach? What if I am an atheist or don’t believe in God? • Being spiritual doesn’t necessary mean believing in God. Believing in oneself is far more important. In essence you have God within, but most people fail to realize and acknowledge it.

Sleep What isrepparttar 143095 importance of sleep? Why is it so beneficial? Hazrat Khan a famous Sufi teacher, lecturer, writer, and musician from India has described sleep as “food forrepparttar 143096 soul”. Rumi another famous Sufi poet says in one of his poems, “O sleep, every night thou freestrepparttar 143097 prisoner from his bonds.” “The prisoner when he is asleep does not know that he is in prison; he is free. The wretched is not wretched; he is contended. The suffering have no more pain and misery.” 1 [1 Khan, Hazrat Inayat (1926) The Sufi Message Vol. VIII- Sufi Teachings, p193, Motilal Barnarsidass Publishers, 2nd reprint (1994)]. • Sleep frees and rests our mind, and ultimately our soul.

Bam! Personal Injury Avoidance and Safety Tips

Written by Henry Lawson

Personal injuries can happen to anyone. Some personal injuries can be life altering torepparttar point whererepparttar 142971 only thing left to think about is regret. Most personal injuries can be avoided by taking some simple precautions. Whether insiderepparttar 142972 home or while out-and-about, taking some simple, common sense action steps can save you and your loved ones from life-altering injuries.

In Home

Avoid personal injuries insiderepparttar 142973 home by applying some common sense fire safety methods. Keep all flammables such as plastic and linens away from heat sources. Never bring gasoline insiderepparttar 142974 home and be sure to store in a safe place and within an approved container. Douse cigarettes and butts outsiderepparttar 142975 home. Do not leave heat sources such asrepparttar 142976 stove, candles or barbeque grill unattended. Haverepparttar 142977 fireplace and chimney professionally cleaned once a year. Do not overload electrical outlets and check all power cord wires for wear and tear.

Home security is not just to protect your possessions but to protect your personal welfare as well. Check to make sure all door hinges are onrepparttar 142978 inside and that all door and window locks are operable. Use deadbolts on all your main household doors. Check outside lighting and use motion detector lights to deter unwanted visitors. Install a reliable home security alarm system as a high-tech solution and / or get a watchdog as a low-tech solution. Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home when you’re away. Join or develop a neighborhood watch program on your street.

For parents,repparttar 142979 first thing to think about in avoiding personal injuries insiderepparttar 142980 home is childproofing your house. Besides installingrepparttar 142981 necessary hardware, such as safety locks on cabinets, it is also important to educate your children about avoiding flames and heat sources such as stoves, fireplaces, candles and light bulbs. Matches and lighters need to be locked in a secure place. Have older children memorize your address, phone number and particularly 911 in case of emergency.

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