Surviving Google’s Aging Delay…

Written by Lawrence Deon

Google has always beenrepparttar search industry’s innovator and that’s just what Google’s aging delay symbolizes,repparttar 105830 evolution of search innovation… yet another significant step forward for Google.

Google’s success as a search engine can undeniably be attributed to its ability to consistently returnrepparttar 105831 most relevant search engine results. That’s what keptrepparttar 105832 search giant on top ofrepparttar 105833 pack and leadingrepparttar 105834 multi-billion dollar search industry & that’s what’s going to keep them there!

Now that said, is it any wonder why Google incorporatedrepparttar 105835 infamous aging delay into their ranking criterion? The simple truth is, Google’s aging delay is a full frontal assault on artificial link inflation.

Withrepparttar 105836 induction of multiple clever off-page reciprocal-linking strategies engineered to artificially inflate link popularity and PageRank, Googles aging delay wasn’t only necessary and long overdue; it wasrepparttar 105837 next logical step inrepparttar 105838 evolution of search.

The confusion and misunderstanding ofrepparttar 105839 aging delay among site owners is nothing short of amazing. Many of my clients are confounded because their new sites are well positioned in Yahoo, MSN &repparttar 105840 other large search engines while they’re site is no where to be found in Google’s search engine result’s pages (SERPs)… except for perhaps onrepparttar 105841 most obscure search terms.

Current and unconfirmed speculation has been misplacingrepparttar 105842 blame on Google’s ‘sandbox’ effect. While this is a possibility I believe it’s also highly improbable.

The sandbox holding period is typically anywhere between 90 to 120 days,repparttar 105843 aging delay appears to be much longer. I’ve seen new sites delayed for up to 6-8 months.

The premise ofrepparttar 105844 sandbox delay theory suggests that new sites are being penalized for gaining too many links too fast. To date I haven’t seen a scrap of evidence to support that claim.

The sandbox theory is further disproved byrepparttar 105845 fact that newer sites engaged in procuring relevant links experiencerepparttar 105846 same delay in climbing Google's SERPs as other new sites utilizing scores of purchased text links. This lends credibility to my thought that new sites are not being penalized onrepparttar 105847 premise of acquisition or quantity of inbound links and; supports my theory that it’srepparttar 105848 reciprocated links that are being delayed by an aging filter.

It just doesn’t seem ‘reasonable’ for Google to penalize sites for acquiring legitimate directory listings & building an optimized reciprocal link based network. In my opinion, mainstream SEOs are confusingrepparttar 105849 existing sandbox effect, with Google’s new ‘aging filter’ that arrived onrepparttar 105850 search scene earlier this year.

It seems more likely that Google’s aging filter is weighingrepparttar 105851 ‘maturity’ of inbound links and notrepparttar 105852 new site itself. Meaning that in addition torepparttar 105853 traditional ranking criterion,repparttar 105854 age of a sites inbound links are also now considered.

My own theory is that newly acquired inbound links are placed on a ‘probationary’ status until they’ve ‘matured’ before they’re considered. For example, a new and relevant inbound PR 6 link would not be givenrepparttar 105855 same weight or consideration as a ‘grandfathered’ PR 6 link untilrepparttar 105856 aging delay expired.

By placing newly acquired links on a probationary period and delayingrepparttar 105857 ranking of newer sites Google has effectively offsetrepparttar 105858 instant free ride torepparttar 105859 top of their SERPs. Purchasing volumes of brokered links to that end is now a moot point. After all, your site will still be delayed regardless ofrepparttar 105860 amount of links you purchase and you won’t see any return on investment (ROI) for at least 6 - 8 months.

Existing Site owners interested in immediate (ROI) are now strongly motivated to build new pages or expand existing sites in order to avoid Googles lengthy aging delay. Withrepparttar 105861 ‘all-the-rage’ mini-network strategy shifting to more of a long-term commitment it seems likely that’s exactly what will happen!

Whether by clever design or not,repparttar 105862 only alternative to riding outrepparttar 105863 aging delay that produces immediate results in Googles SERPs is to advertise through Google’s AdWords Program. So it seems that Google’s solution vis-à-visrepparttar 105864 aging delay has turned out to be an excellent vehicle to promote Googles own AdWords Program as well. Hmm…

The Google Sandbox Explained

Written by Alan Cole


The Google Sandbox is a metaphorical term to explain why most new websites have very poor rankings in Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). Very few people know for sure ifrepparttar 'sandbox' actually exists, but it seems to be a filter added torepparttar 105829 Google algorithms sometime around March 2004.

What isrepparttar 105830 function ofrepparttar 105831 Google Sandbox?

The generally accepted principle behindrepparttar 105832 Google Sandbox is that it enables Google to filter out 'Flash-in-the-Pan' websites from those that offer good quality, up-to-date content. It is within Googles interest to ensure thatrepparttar 105833 results it displays to its users withinrepparttar 105834 SERPS lead to highly relevant, up-to-date, useful websites Relevancy is key torepparttar 105835 search engines success so it will take all steps it can to ensurerepparttar 105836 relevancy of its search results. Filtering out new websites and monitoring them may allow them to provide more accurate results withinrepparttar 105837 real SERPS.

Indentifyingrepparttar 105838 Sandbox?

How do you know if your website in inrepparttar 105839 sandbox? Most new websites under newly registered domains will get relegated torepparttar 105840 sandbox once Google knows aboutrepparttar 105841 site. Google will findrepparttar 105842 site by following an Inbound Link (IBL) from another site thatrepparttar 105843 Googlebot crawls. You will then seerepparttar 105844 website inrepparttar 105845 normal Google SERPS if you search forrepparttar 105846 actual domain name, butrepparttar 105847 website is unlikely to be listed for any of its keywords. Google also won't show signs of any other websites linking to your website, nor will it display pages related to yours. In addition Google won't list any pages other than your Home (index) page.

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