Surviving Corporate Politics Part 3

Written by Gary Whittaker

Opportunities Are Made, Not Created

Inrepparttar business of corporate politics, one thing has become very clear: Most business decisions are grown fromrepparttar 103038 grassroots level. Sure, it may all seem likes it’s coming from corporate HQ, with announcements and presentations that have their organisations in perpetual flux, but make no mistake about it, most of those decisions have been influenced by lobbyists inrepparttar 103039 lower levels. The biggerrepparttar 103040 organization,repparttar 103041 harder it may be to see, but that does not make it any less relevant, only more difficult to find. Executives do not know enough aboutrepparttar 103042 true inner workings of a company to be able to form a strategic plan capable of reachingrepparttar 103043 lower levels of business. Executives rely heavily on input from ladder seekers within their own organisations on which they build their business cases.

How canrepparttar 103044 everyday negro (or lower level manager) take advantage? The easiest way is by followingrepparttar 103045 old adage, “Necessity isrepparttar 103046 mother of invention”. I can’t tell you how many positions and even whole departments have been created based on creative folks jumping in to take on gapped responsibilities that other teams have shirked due to lack of funding or inadequate training. If managed properly, stepping up to meet corporate deficiencies can lead to influencing corporate decisions. How so? Advertising works! Never step up to addressing a problem without due recognition for it once it has been resolved. A great example would be to send out a broadcast email congratulating everyone for a great effort resolvingrepparttar 103047 issue. Identify which actions were taken by what group, and whatrepparttar 103048 resulting positive impacts where in terms of improved financial numbers, lowered costs of doing business and/or increased employee/customer satisfaction. Make sure to not only send this out to allrepparttar 103049 people within your organisation that were involved, but to their bosses as well. You would now have succeeded in improving your own image by enhancing those around you that is subtle enough to get score you points, and keeps folks happy about working with you atrepparttar 103050 same time.

Opportunities are easy to come by. They are stated at meetings, identified in corporate memo’s, or spoken about in various work related social gatherings. Follow up a complaint from a colleague with more questions as torepparttar 103051 details

Job Applicant Follies

Written by Ed Williams

Y’all ever wonder why some people seem to have such a hard time finding gainful employment? Well, after reading this column you may better understand some ofrepparttar reasons why. This week I’m going to share some actual comments from selected employment applications that have been submitted to some ofrepparttar 103037 companies that I‘ve worked for inrepparttar 103038 past. Y’all might think that I’m kidding or exaggerating, but I swear on a stack of Elvis CDs thatrepparttar 103039 following comments are as true as they can be....

Onrepparttar 103040 criminal history section -

“I have only done a few light crimes that I have been arrested for, nothing that has gotten me inrepparttar 103041 paper or anything.”

“I hit a police officer, but it will be proven out to be a big mistake.”

“I stole money fromrepparttar 103042 job, got busted, and did some time. You have to like that I’m honest about it.”

On why they left their last job -

“They picked on me just because I had missed work six or seven times inrepparttar 103043 last month due to family reasons. A man doesn’t become a father every day, and I wanted to watch my woman’s stomach grow, so I did.”

“I whistled at a woman during my probationary period who turned out to be my bosses’ wife.”

“I didn’t likerepparttar 103044 pay, I didn’t likerepparttar 103045 benefits, I didn’t like my boss, so I told him.”

“It takes too much time to look for a new job while you have an old job, and since my old job stinks, I am going to use my daylight time to look for another.”

On what hours they’re available to work -

“I’m a young man, and you don’t want to mess up my social life by making me work at night. My women won’t like that one bit.”

“My fiance expects me home each day at five pm sharp to make him dinner, so we will need to work around that.”

“Can I just give you a slip of paper each week that tells you what hours I can work?”

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