Superultramodern Religion ( SR )

Written by Dr Kedar Joshi, PBSSI, MRI

Superultramodern Religion ( SR ) is a component of Superultramodern Science (SS). In particular, it is an application of SS [mainlyrepparttar NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process) theory] to religious viewpoints.

SR states thatrepparttar 126523 religious viewpoints (say, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) are flawed on their physical (or, so called, metaphysical) side. The prophets (say Jesus Christ, Mohammad) could be superhuman, inrepparttar 126524 sense of being able to modulaterepparttar 126525 spatial illusion, but their theories / advocacies onrepparttar 126526 nature or physics of reality were quite probably wrong / false (as many flaws could be demonstrated, e.g. eternal creating something, immovable and flat earth theories, etc.). The true structure and mechanism ofrepparttar 126527 universe is in accordance withrepparttar 126528 NSTP theory which produces states of consciousness or feelings as if Jesus, for example, controlling winds, curing diseases, etc., to people, including Jesus (assuming others are conscious like me : where all conscious entities / beings are mere groups of feelings or states of consciousness).

A Scary Thought For Some...

Written by Caleb Osborne


"A Scary Thought For Some..."

- by Caleb Osborne

© Caleb Osborne - All Rights reserved -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

What could be a scary thought for some? How bout' this--The thought that as a Christian you can do whatever you want......scary?

Consider this Bible verse:

"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify." 1 Corinthians 10:23

All things are lawful for me? That flies inrepparttar face of traditional thinking about Christian morals, rights and wrongs--Doesn't it?

You see as Christians we are no longer slaves torepparttar 126522 law. In amazing mercy, Jesus wasrepparttar 126523 sacrifice that allowed us to be forgiven of our sins by no work of our own. So that we were no longer subject to trying to live up to God's perfect standards (the laws) And we were givenrepparttar 126524 Christ's life in exchange for our own byrepparttar 126525 grace of God.

So we are truly free to do whatever we want, becauserepparttar 126526 law no longer applies to us. Woo hoo! Now that's freedom! It's so sad to see so many people that seerepparttar 126527 Christian life as a life that is summed up by a comment such as:

"If you're a good Christian, everything is a sin"

This isrepparttar 126528 definitely one ofrepparttar 126529 most incorrect yet universally accepted doctrines ofrepparttar 126530 secular, and sadly, Christian world. I guess this verse was skimmed over.

Before you get crazy and start to plan your debaucherous plight through every forbidden pleasure imaginable, pay attention torepparttar 126531 rest ofrepparttar 126532 verse. When you readrepparttar 126533 rest you start to get a handle on why this isn't so scary after all. "but not all things are helpful...but not all things edify."

You haverepparttar 126534 freedom to do whatever you want. But what will keep you from doingrepparttar 126535 things that aren't "helpful" and don't "edify"? Well, remember when I said that you receivedrepparttar 126536 life of Christ in exchange for your own at salvation?

Christ's life isrepparttar 126537 key. You won't have to worry about what is right or wrong. You don't need laws to tell you. Your identity is a righteous one, so your natural nature is to glorify God and to dorepparttar 126538 things that please him!

You have a little thing called a conscience that lets you know when you're messing up. And God is able to keep you from stumbling. A personal relationship with God will keep you from sin.

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