Supercharge Your Dreams!

Written by Keith Varnum

We all acceptrepparttar fact thatrepparttar 123205 lighterrepparttar 123206 backpack,repparttar 123207 easier and quickerrepparttar 123208 climb torepparttar 123209 top ofrepparttar 123210 mountain. We all understand thatrepparttar 123211 lighterrepparttar 123212 load on an airplane,repparttar 123213 higher and faster it can fly. We pay extra for high octane fuel so our car will operate more efficiently. Then why don't we applyrepparttar 123214 same wisdom to our bodies and our dreams?

The Need for Speed

We know thatrepparttar 123215 cleanerrepparttar 123216 gasoline we feed our car,repparttar 123217 faster, further and longer our car will run-and with less wear and tear. Gee, what would our Earth adventure be like if we tried this same approach with our personal lives?

Clean, Lean Energy Machine

When we feed our bodies and goals with clean, lean fuel, we haverepparttar 123218 strength and stamina to create our dreams with ease, speed and longevity-and look good doing it to boot!

Shamanize Your Life

A shaman eats to live, rather than living to eat. A shamaness uses food to fuel her dream, rather than to be her dream. A shaman knows thatrepparttar 123219 true purpose of food is to give usrepparttar 123220 energy to express our unique spirit fully and gracefully.

Food is Not Only Physical

I'm not talking only aboutrepparttar 123221 eating of physical food. Everything we take into our energy field is food-for our body and for our soul. Every thought, conversation and activity either gives us energy, or takes energy away from us.

Self-loving people only eat-take in-those interactions and pursuits that nourish them and increase their level of aliveness. When a relationship, job or belief leaves you drained, tired or confused, that fuel is not nurturing. But when you have a friend who inspires, encourages and validates you, you prosper by hanging out with that person. When you go to a livelihood each day that allows you to fully express your true spirit, you're enriched by that calling. When you have a conviction that bears beauty and bounty in your life, you're served well by that point of view.

Eat What is Most Digestible

Take in those foods, people and endeavors that you most easily digest, assimilate and integrate. The less energy it takes to absorb a certain fare, personality or enterprise,repparttar 123222 more energy you are ultimately going to get out of it. This isrepparttar 123223 good judgment of choosing "low maintenance" lovers and friends versusrepparttar 123224 "high maintenance" of demanding, discontented partners.

Eat Only What's Necessary

Take in onlyrepparttar 123225 amount of worldly nourishment, resources and social exchange that is ideal for peak performance. When Jesus advises us to "fast fromrepparttar 123226 world," he's not suggesting we refrain from eating altogether, or cease interacting withrepparttar 123227 world totally. The savvy sage usesrepparttar 123228 word "fast" to mean "fast from excess." Eat onlyrepparttar 123229 amount of physical fuel you need for optimal efficiency of your body. Interact withrepparttar 123230 turbulence of social affairs only torepparttar 123231 degree necessary to accomplish your goals. Lean and clean.

This isrepparttar 123232 strategy shamans refer to as "touchingrepparttar 123233 world lightly." Be involved with cultural conventions only torepparttar 123234 degree necessary to function socially. Overeating physical food can cause sluggishness, nausea and constipation. Over-absorption withrepparttar 123235 limitations and contradictions of cultural mores can cause you to get confused, drained, overwhelmed, emotionally backed up-and, consequently, very ineffective and unhappy. Be inrepparttar 123236 world, but not "of it."

Go to Bed Empty

Go to sleep with an empty stomach, clear mind, and peaceful heart, so that your body and being haverepparttar 123237 greatest opportunity to rest and recharge. Whenrepparttar 123238 body has to spendrepparttar 123239 night digesting a stomach full of food, then it doesn't haverepparttar 123240 time or energy to heal and balance. When we go to bed with a troubled mind or heart, we have a shallow, unrestful sleep with many fitful dreams or nightmares. And our spirit has no time to connect with its highest self and intuit creative solutions to our worldly challenges.

How to be decisive?

Written by ajaypats

The more alternatives,repparttar more difficultrepparttar 123204 choice.The first step to gettingrepparttar 123205 things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.A decision is nothing more than a wish until you act on it. The more quickly you act onrepparttar 123206 decisions you make,repparttar 123207 more powerful and effective those decisions will be. Every moment you wait before taking action makes that action less and less likely. The moment you decide isrepparttar 123208 moment to start putting real substance behind your decision.

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