Summertime bugs and creepy crawlies.

Written by Wes Crystal

Well it is almost that time again. Time to get outrepparttar garden tools and start planning your next great garden project. It is also that time of year for all those pesky bugs and crawly critters too! You don't have to go on a picnic to discover ants are making themselves a nuisance in your life... and these days; many of us hesitate to use chemicals to get rid of them. Now there is a non-poisonous way to kill ants. I've got a magic formula. Come on, I'll show you. All you need for your magic formula is:

2 parts molasses 1 part sugar 1 part dry yeast

The molasses and sugar attractrepparttar 111428 ants, andrepparttar 111429 yeast causes them to swell up and explode. So we'll mix it up, and you'll see how easy it is to take care of those ant problems. Now we're using tablespoons as our parts. If you have a big ant colony, you will want to probably use cup fulls.

That'll really attract them. Add your molasses, sugar, and yeast powder. Then what you do is just mix it up real well. When you get it mixed, you're ready to go outside and go to work against those ants. Now normally this is a formula that attracts sugar ants, so you'd use it inside, but we don't have any ants insiderepparttar 111430 house. We found some outside here. What you do is just drip a little of this on a card, and then you put it down whererepparttar 111431 ants will be attracted to it. In this case we're going to go down torepparttar 111432 ant bed, and, as you can see, they're already starting to come out here. And once they eat it,repparttar 111433 yeast gets inside, it causes them to swell up, and you end up with a whole bunch of dead ants.

Incidentally, if you have fire ants, there's a non-toxic way to get rid of them, and that's to use grits. Just pourrepparttar 111434 grits overrepparttar 111435 mound, and when you do that, they will come in and they'll eatrepparttar 111436 grits and it'll cause them to swell up, and they'll explode too.

How Many Sex Offenders Live On Your Block?

Written by Julie Joyce

For any parent, learning that a convicted sex offender lives onrepparttar same block, can be a chilling discovery. The thought of it alone, can be disturbing. Most parents can't imagine that someone, who could be so potentially dangerous, may live somewhere on their block or alongrepparttar 111427 path their child takes to school. However, it is highly likely that there are registered sex offenders in your neighborhood.

Beginning inrepparttar 111428 mid 1990's legislative actions established guidelines for tracking convicted sex offenders and making such information available as part of a community notification effort. In 1994repparttar 111429 Jacob Wetterling Act began requiring states to register individuals convicted of sex crimes against children. The "Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act of 1996" was enacted by Congress to provide forrepparttar 111430 nationwide tracking of convicted sexual predators. "Megan's Law" (1996) further served to clarifyrepparttar 111431 public nature of information and authorizedrepparttar 111432 release of relevant information that is necessary to protectrepparttar 111433 public. Together, these three key pieces of legislation have shapedrepparttar 111434 structure of sexual registries, nationwide. Today, almost every state maintains a registry of sexual offenders, and makes this information easily accessible viarepparttar 111435 internet. Some states may not allow online access. However, they will explain, online,repparttar 111436 procedure to follow to gain access to their registry.

Currently there are approximately a half of a million registered sex offenders inrepparttar 111437 United States. They live in cities and towns all acrossrepparttar 111438 country. They are in "poor" and "affluent" neighborhoods. And they could be on your block. The twice-convicted pedophile who raped and murdered Megan (Megan's Law) Kanka lived acrossrepparttar 111439 street from her home. Every parent should make it a priority to do a quick search to educate themselves about potential risk exposures thatmay be "dangerously" close. It is commonly said that, "What you don't know can hurt you." But more importantly, what you do know can save your life!

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