Summer is the Perfect Time to Write

Written by Nicole Criona

As of July 1st,repparttar year was half over! July 1st isrepparttar 149990 Wednesday ofrepparttar 149991 annual calendar, it's an annual hump day (stop giggling!), and we'll be onrepparttar 149992 downslide, smoothly sailing towardrepparttar 149993 end ofrepparttar 149994 year. Summer will have just begun. The first day of summer arrives on June 21st and lasts until September 22nd.

As children, summer was long, lazy, and school-less. It meant watching TV for hours, swimming, running though sprinklers, and time for exploration. Remember when you were a kid and just a walk around outside led to discovery? A hidden ant colony, a cool-shaped branch that made a great wand, a great rock that perfectly fitrepparttar 149995 curvature of your body?

Agriculturally, summer isrepparttar 149996 time between planting and harvesting. It was a time of growth forrepparttar 149997 seeds planted in spring. The agricultural cycle works like this:

Spring is for planting seeds. Summer is for growth and maintenance. Autumn isrepparttar 149998 harvest, time to reaprepparttar 149999 rewards of what you have sown. Winter is a time of death and regeneration. Plants die and await spring again.

The Editor Rejected Me

Written by Raelene Hall

I’ve always felt ‘rejection’ is a cruel way to describerepparttar return of writing masterpieces. Just how awful I discovered when I looked uprepparttar 149941 word in my Collins Australian ‘School’ Dictionary. Rejection (noun): From Latin reicere meaning ‘to throw back.’ Ouch! All that hard work, hours of slaving over a hot keyboard, only to have someone, supposedly a person with knowledge of what constitutes quality writing, ‘throw it back’ at me. Now how fair is that I ask? I never know in which particular formatrepparttar 149942 ‘throw back’ might come. It might be a nicely worded letter, oozing with sincerity and hope forrepparttar 149943 future of my esteemed writing career. Onrepparttar 149944 other hand it could well be a standard ‘throw back’ response. You can pick these byrepparttar 149945 way they cross outrepparttar 149946 bits that don’t apply. ‘Thank you for your story/article/essay/poem/book/lecture. We enjoyed reading/browsing/viewing/scribbling on/ignoring it. Unfortunately it is not what we need/require/desire/give a damn about at present. I’ve often thought of complaining about this standardized form of rejection but can never decipherrepparttar 149947 signature atrepparttar 149948 bottom. I think it is a conspiracy to prevent me finding out who this person is that doesn’t recognise quality writing when it is stuck under his/her nose. Do these people have no idea what being a writer entails? My time is limited yet I spared a precious half hour to writerepparttar 149949 piece they rejected, knowing it would suit their market. It was sprinkled with lots and lots of wonderful adjectives. There was no shortage of punctuation. The layout was a sight to behold with coloured ink and bold headlines in allrepparttar 149950 important parts. It was a masterpiece, yet it was thrown back at me.

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