Summer Skin Blues!

Written by Audrey King

Prevent Summer Skin Blues!

©Audrey King “Our Perfect Scents”

Sunlight, heat and chemical ingredients from your body products! It's quite a dangerous mixture topping your skin. I learned in science lab,way back when, to be especially careful of chemicals and heat exposure.

Getrepparttar picture?

Simply bathing on a daily basis will not help.

Skin needs to be nourished and revitalized even when you're not outside. Drinking plenty of water is a big factor in healthy skin and of course your sun block when outside.

But what aboutrepparttar 143195 soap, shampoo and lotions you apply to your body everyday?

You have to do it. You want to do it. So do it right with naturally nourishing bath and spa products!

“Our Perfect Scents” offers a wide variety of fragrances for all of your bath and body needs, for halfrepparttar 143196 cost of famous brand names. You can even invent your own personal scent at no extra cost. Imagine how your friends will envy you!

Strong Men Weep As Teen-Age Boys Are Dying To Have Better Bodies

Written by Anthony Ellis

Healthy fitness guru sees new urgency in educating young people about gaining mass and losing fat with exercise, diet, and supplementation.

"It's enough to make a grown man cry, and it did," says fitness expert Anthony Ellis of Mark McGwire's testimony before Congress onrepparttar subject of illegal drug use. "He almost lost it when talking about teenagers who committed suicide after doing steroids."

Like McGwire, Ellis was deeply affected byrepparttar 143194 heart-breaking stories told by Ray and Denise Garibaldi and Don Hooton, parents of two teen-age boys whose suicides have been linked to steroid use. But unlike McGwire who many believe was himself a steroid user and now doing too little too late to discourage young men from abusing them, Ellis is taking a proactive approach with Gaining Mass!, a natural, healthy alternative for adolescents and adults of both sexes who are struggling to put on weight.

Gaining Mass! is a complete, step-by-step training and nutritional program for hardgainers. Based in nature not chemistry, Gaining Mass! is written for beginners, but contains cutting-edge information that will benefit evenrepparttar 143195 most experienced fitness follower. Helping them to gain weight and build muscle mass. It's appropriate for athletes trying to get their game on, for armchair quarterbacks who want to look and feel better and, says Ellis, "It's for anyone who has ever feltrepparttar 143196 pain of being skinny."

Who Is Anthony Ellis? A self-proclaimed "average guy" who was "fed up with being a 135-pound weakling," Ellis was able to achieve a miraculous transformation of his own body…without steroids. Instead of takingrepparttar 143197 easy road and succumbing torepparttar 143198 lure ofrepparttar 143199 "magic pill," Ellis studied, did research, tested and re-tested, and ultimately was able to develop Gaining Mass!, all-natural, muscle gaining techniques and strategies especially designed for people who have trouble with weight gain.

"I want to help other people who are strugglingrepparttar 143200 way I was to achieverepparttar 143201 same results that I have without putting their lives at risk," he says. "I gained 32 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks, I reduced my body fat by 3% (from 10% to 7%), and I did it naturally," he says with undisguised pride. To give proof to his claims, Ellis displays his personal before-and-after pictures on his website. "When people see what my body used to look like and what it looks like now, they know my system is for real. That's why they get on-board. To getrepparttar 143202 results they've been dreaming of with a natural system they never dreamed existed."

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