Succession Planning Obstacles in Family-owned Businesses

Written by Don A. Schwerzler and David Jones

Succession Planning Obstacles in Family Businesses

Just like a physical obstacle course, succession planning for family businesses is like an obstacle course. You have to findrepparttar obstacles, then overcome them... fly over them, dig under them, outflank them to move around them. And it is oftenrepparttar 105250 ones that you didn't see that cause yourepparttar 105251 biggest problems!

Every family and family business situation is different, so there is no one "master map" because there are no fixed or defined obstructions. However, certain things do tend to appear frequently, so we've compiled our checklist of frequent obstacles. If you look for and deal with these, you will have greatly improved your chances for successful succession.

A note about terminology: we have used "Dad" to identify a founder or retiring owner.


Important Note About This Checklist! The goal is not to determine whether particular obstacles are true or not...

...Ifrepparttar 105252 point is perceived to be true or present, then it IS an obstacle that has to be dealt with.


Founder or Retiring Owner

First, and most importantly, Dad must believe his financial security is assured. Without this perception, there is a major obstacle andrepparttar 105253 probability of Dad leavingrepparttar 105254 business "voluntarily" is significantly reduced. What is Dad going to do withrepparttar 105255 time and energy he had committed torepparttar 105256 business? Obviously Dad must be able to envision a positive, productive and meaningful existence away fromrepparttar 105257 business. Without having something to "move to" Dad likely will not "move from"... Willrepparttar 105258 transition diminish Dad's self- esteem and negatively impact his self- concept? Very often in our society, "who we are" is generally described by "what we do". With regard torepparttar 105259 kids,repparttar 105260 most perplexing problem for Dad is how can he be both FAIR and EQUAL.

As a parent, Dad's instincts are to try and be equal to all his children. That is to say, he does not want to show any partiality to any one child. Yet as a businessman, he knowsrepparttar 105261 business can not be run well by a committee of his heirs. It is more logical to select one ofrepparttar 105262 children to leadrepparttar 105263 company intorepparttar 105264 future. Both facets of this issue produce ample opportunities for Dad to procrastinate or to avoid dealing withrepparttar 105265 entire concept of succession planning.

Are You a Corporate Doughnut or a 5 AM Doughnut?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

My friend Adam takes his daughter on a doughnut run every Sunday morning. His favorite store is called “5 AM Doughnuts.” Adam always goes outrepparttar door chuckling "I love it. 'When do you open?' (5 am) 'What do you sell?’ (doughnuts).”

Adam is an entrepreneur and as part of his integrity and authenticity he patronizes only locally-owned stores. As a business owner, he also admiresrepparttar 105248 name of this store so much, he tells me about it every time.

I must admit, it’s stuck with me as well. That’s exactly and all I need to know about my doughnut store andrepparttar 105249 big sign popping out as I go by onrepparttar 105250 highway has been helpful. (Like I need help finding doughnuts.)

Now, what’s a “corporate doughnut”? That would be a doughnut store that’s a franchise, ultimately owned by a corporation. And what do you get when you get a corporate doughnut?

Exactlyrepparttar 105251 same thing every time. It’s highly predictable. In a Mississippi bayou or downtown Manhattan, you can pull into a McDonalds and know what you’ll get, which in some cases is definitely a relief.

And which are YOU – a corporate doughnut or a 5 AM doughnut?

If you’re a corporate doughnut, when we meet you, we recognize you as familiar; in fact we start to complete your sentences for you, because it isn’t “you” it’srepparttar 105252 program coming out.

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