Success is Just a Question Away

Written by Robert Imbriale

You already knowrepparttar formula; "Ask and you shall receive." And, you already know that it's not just another good idea. Asking isrepparttar 106779 only way to get what you're seeking in your life, in your relationships, or in your business.

Asking may not be your forte, and it might not even be a whole lot of fun. In fact, I have found that most people prefer to do it all themselves rather than ask somebody for help.

Think about this, askingrepparttar 106780 right question atrepparttar 106781 right time, torepparttar 106782 right person can bring you to success faster than you could ever hope to get there on your own! So why are you not out there asking for what it is that you really want?

What keeps you from asking for what it is you really need and want? I have found that it's our desire to be independent that keeps us from asking. It's our ego. Our desire to take allrepparttar 106783 credit when something finally does work that keeps us from doing itrepparttar 106784 easy way.

Think about it in your own life. What has stopped you from asking for help inrepparttar 106785 past? For some people, asking is a sign of weakness, so they do their best to do it all alone. Sometimes things get so bad that these people actually lose it all, yet they still won't ask for help! Have you known a person like this in your life?

I share this with you here because it's a lesson that I too had to learn. I was one of those people who was raised thinking that being independent wasrepparttar 106786 only way to be. I believed that asking for help was a sure sign of weakness and I didn't want to be perceived as weak. So I was tough. I never asked for help and went out there and did it all myself.

Then one day, I gave it some thought. Was it really a sign of weakness to ask for what it was that I really needed to build my business? I began to study people who have achieved greatness in their lives and I asked, "Did they do it alone or did they have help?"

For instance, did Bill Gates build Microsoft by himself, or did he have a team working with him? Obviously he had a team, each of whom today is wealthy beyond imagination. Not only did he have a team, he asked for help and made deals with other companies to help him realize his dream. This is a practice that Microsoft continues to use to this day.

Do you look at Bill Gates and see weakness? I sure don't.

The more I considered it,repparttar 106787 more I began to understand what it really meant to ask for help.

Then I had yet another realization. Asking for help is really GIVING an opportunity to another person. That's right, asking is giving atrepparttar 106788 same time. Think about it.

When somebody asks you for help, and you are willing to help, do you ENJOYrepparttar 106789 process of giving? You bet you do! We're wired to give! Giving is a basic human need and each and every one of us receives great joy when we give to another human being.

So not asking is actually denying other peoplerepparttar 106790 chance to give and feel pleasure. You wouldn't deny another human beingrepparttar 106791 pleasure of giving would you? I doubt it. So then you will learn to ask, right? Great!

Let me share with you some strategies for asking that could make allrepparttar 106792 difference in getting what you are asking for. First, you have to be very clear on what it is you are hoping to receive. If you are not clear, then how can you expect another person to know what it is you need? Get crystal clear and write it down on paper!

Your First Mission Statement

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

To start building your very first Mission Statement, you will need to answer three questions:

1) Who is your target market?

This identifies your ideal customer group or "Niche".

2) What does your target market want and need?

Here isrepparttar "meat" of your mission statement. This what they want and/or need that you are (hopefully) going to help them get.

3) How can you fulfill these wants and needs?

This specifiesrepparttar 106778 actual product you are providing or services that you perform, and how you will create a benefit fulfillingrepparttar 106779 answers torepparttar 106780 first two questions.

This is most important to remember; when you tell them what you do, say it (or write it) in words they will understand fully. If you have to re-explain to them any part to make them understand what you have already conveyed, you have lost sight of your primary objective.

Remember whom it is you are attempting to serve and explain accordingly. Tell them what they need and how you can supply them with this need. Tell them what you do, not how you do it!

Ask yourself; What adversity do all of your clients face that your service will help them withrepparttar 106781 most. This is your mission!

If you have a pen and paper write these down. Later you can redo this, scrutinizing each word. You must write, rewrite and rewrite again. Sound familiar?

When you're ready, plugrepparttar 106782 answer to these questions into this statement.

I/We provide .....(1)..... inrepparttar 106783 necessity to fulfill ......(2)...... by offering ......(3)......

This will berepparttar 106784 first draft of your Mission Statement.

Don't worry if your first couple of drafts seems a bit weak, they "always" are.

Part 1:

Number 1 above should be easily, answered by you. If not then you need to re-think your whole marketing strategy. You must know whom you are serving, before you can serve them. Another quick note here isrepparttar 106785 too well known word "Niche". Don't try to serve everybody. You need to focus your marketing strategy to one unique target. If others come along that you can serve that are outside of your target group, great! Serve them. But never lose focus ofrepparttar 106786 target market. Think of your market as a beam of light. The widerrepparttar 106787 beam,repparttar 106788 weaker it becomes. Tighten that beam it becomes a laser.

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