Success Tips for the EntrepreneurWritten by Myrtis Smith
Reprint article in print or via Internet with these requirements: => Keep article intact => Include byline with active link => Please send a courtesy copy of newsletter or URL to => Ask for changes you'd like made to an article or byline Word Count: 409 Summary: 5 Success Tips for Today's Entrepreneur ============================================================= Success Tips for Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs are a rare breed. They embody American Dream. Prior to Industrial Revolution, majority of people in this country owned and operated their own business. And while today, its easier to find employees than business owners, entrepreneurs are still backbone of this country. According to Small Business Administration (SBA) in year 2000 over 600,000 new business were started. Below are 5 Success Tips to help you succeed as an entrepreneur. 1. Take care of yourself. Entrepreneurs are notorious workaholics easily working 60 to 80 (or even 100) hours every week. Investing time in your self-care will help you think more clearly, have more energy, and head-off stress before it gets out of hand. Some items to add to your to do list are regular doctors appointments, daily exercise, scheduled vacations (at least 2 - 4 weeks every year), and periodic days off. A coach is an excellent resource to help you prioritize what needs to get done while also making time for yourself.
| | How Will Your Business be Judged?Written by Dave Balch
Like it or not, people DO judge a book by its cover. It's just a fact of life. Everything having to do with your business that is presented to outside world is one more judging opportunity. How do you measure up?You've probably heard it said, "You only have one chance to make a good first impression". There is a reason why it is an old adage; it's true! There are so many ways that your business presents itself for that first impression. The first one that comes to mind is YOU, which can be either in person or on phone. In person, you must look part that you play. For example, if you portray yourself as someone who can help a business be successful, you must look successful. If you own a restaurant and you greet your guests, you should look clean, friendly, and inviting. The owner of a restaurant greeted us in a grease-stained T-shirt. Wrong! Not very appetizing, is it? On phone, you need to sound like you care about caller and their problems. What kind of an impression would it make if you (or an employee) answered phone sounding annoyed at interruption? Printed materials also make an impression, for better or worse. Is your business card professionally done, or does it look cheesy? Are your brochures professional looking or are they made on a copier? If they were made on a copier, you may get away with it if they are clean and neat, with good toner saturation. A sloppily made copy that is too faint, uneven, and/or crooked on page will do you more harm than good. I am reminded of a man who approached me at a trade show and wanted to work together giving seminars. He handed me his 'brochure', which consisted of about 10 pages of poorly copied pages, most of which were crooked, and all of which were bent, crumpled, or torn. I could not believe my eyes. I was appalled, but our parrot didn't seem to mind when I used it to line his cage.