Success Stories - 12 Doers Share Their Secrets: Interview with Spencer Uresk

Written by Martin Avis

Today's interview is with a young man from Utah called Spencer Uresk. Although still studying at University, he has built his Internet business torepparttar point where it provides about 90% of his income.

It is a fair bet that Spencer's business will continue to develop and grow as he devotes more and more of his energies to it.

Let's see what he has to say.

BizE-zine: Have you ben involved in any other business or jobs, online or off?

SU: No, I jumped right in torepparttar 118978 Internet. I haven't had any other jobs. I see this as a full-time occupation.

BizE-zine: How did it all start?

SU: When I was about 14, my Dad worked for Woods Cross City. They needed a web site and at that time very few people knew anything aboutrepparttar 118979 Internet. I volunteered to build it for them, and although I didn't know much myself, it was a great learning experience.

I ran that site for them, on a voluntary basis, for two or three years, learning new things allrepparttar 118980 time. Eventually, I became too busy to run it unpaid, and they found someone else to do it.

When I started, I hadn't even read a book - I just jumped on in and learned onrepparttar 118981 job.

I was just looking over some old filesrepparttar 118982 other day, and in some of them wererepparttar 118983 old design. Yikes! Frankly, I was a bit embarrassed. This was before I learned that web sites were tools. Before I found outrepparttar 118984 important idea that web sites are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.

Givenrepparttar 118985 time I made it, it probably wasn't fully as bad as I thought it to be (this was around 1996 or so), but it was still very amateur. I'm just glad its still not around for everyone to see! It just shows you how fast thing have changed.

BizE-zine: How did you move from that early experience torepparttar 118986 idea that you could support yourself with an online business?

SU: My first successful ventures were creating entertainment sites and selling advertising on them. Greeting Cards, fun pages, jokes, etc.. They were a mish-mash of general audience content and debatable value. But, there was a good deal of money involved, and it got me started.

Asrepparttar 118987 ad market started to crash, I realized that I needed to add new streams of revenue as any site that is fully reliant on advertising for money is going to be subject to market conditions - something I am a bit uncomfortable with.

I used my experience as a webmaster to create new tools for webmasters like myself. AdvertisingResults.Net wasrepparttar 118988 first service I created, and I have since created several products to sell, and I've also branched out into running my own newsletter.

BizE-zine: Lots of people try to run newsletters online. Tell us a bit about your experiences.

SU: The Uresk Internet Marketing Journal ( is my newest newsletter. It has been a bit of a struggle to get subscribers (I am used torepparttar 118989 entertainment industry where we get them buyrepparttar 118990 tens of thousands!) and also determine where they are and what they are looking for. I've found that they are usually all over - some are complete novices, some are just into MLM schemes, some are further along than I am and so forth. Its a bit of a challenge to write your articles (and pick syndicated articles) that can help as many of those people as possible.

One ofrepparttar 118991 most rewarding things so far has beenrepparttar 118992 feedback I get. When I sent out my first newsletter (with under 200 subscribers), I got about half a dozen replies - all thanking me for sending themrepparttar 118993 newsletter and telling me they can't wait to getrepparttar 118994 next issue. Now I can't wait to SENDrepparttar 118995 next issue! >From a sales standpoint,repparttar 118996 newsletter fell on its face. I didn't get a single sale. But,repparttar 118997 fact that several people readrepparttar 118998 newsletter, and benefited enough to warrant letting me know makes me feel good. It also shows that downrepparttar 118999 road, any of these people could become a customer because they trust me and find me generally knowledgeable about what I am doing.

BizE-zine: So what is your long-term advice for would- be newsletter publishers?

SU: Don't go straight forrepparttar 119000 money. Newsletters can be quite lucrative, but if you go into it withrepparttar 119001 mindset of making as much money as possible as quickly as possible, you'll fail. Newsletters take time to grow, and also for your readers to trust and become acquainted with you. Give it time!

BizE-zine: How long did it take your online business to start making a profit?

SU: I didn't buy much to start with! After my first few months, I was profitable and haven't looked back since.

BizE-zine: Have you bought any ebooks or courses on online marketing, and if so, which wasrepparttar 119002 best for you?

SU: I don't care for a lot of ebooks and courses. I've found that most of them contain little or no new information, and are often written by people who don't haverepparttar 119003 experience to back them up. I honestly think thatrepparttar 119004 best sources for me have been short articles, good newsletters, and discussion boards. I have found a few good ebooks though.

Success Stories - 12 Doers Share Their Secrets: Interview with Milana Nastetskaya

Written by Martin Avis

This week we have another great interview -repparttar third inrepparttar 118977 series - with a lady who is takingrepparttar 118978 Internet by storm. Milana Nastetskaya isrepparttar 118979 author ofrepparttar 118980 highly regarded ebook "65 Instant Web Design Answers!".

Milana currently lives in Central Pennsylvania, quite close to Harrisburg, but originally came fromrepparttar 118981 Ukraine. She recently changed her name to Lechinsky at her U.S. citizenship ceremony. Although eligible for citizenship in 1997, a combination of factors, including lost paperwork delayedrepparttar 118982 ceremony until June 2001.

"Byrepparttar 118983 time I had my ceremony (June 2001) I felt completely "American" already. Watching Friday night sitcoms over a box of pizza is not exactly a Russian thing!" She says.

BizE-zine: How did you first get involved withrepparttar 118984 Internet?

MN: In my "past life", in Ukraine, I was teaching music to children and never thought I would do anything else. But after a year of trying to choose my new path in America, I decided to major in Computer Systems. What a huge change from music, I thought! Computers leave no room for imagination whatsoever... That is, until I discovered web design and was absolutely blown away byrepparttar 118985 creative possibilities it offers.

Now, I am a professional web developer, a web coach, a workshop leader, and an author of web design manuals for beginners.

BizE-zine: Tell us about your first experience ofrepparttar 118986 Internet?

MN: In 1997 I took my first "Internet Development" class in college and fell in love with it ever since. I remember my first web page was a collection of bright yellow buttons linking to other sites, but I was proud of it anyway :-)

BizE-zine: You are certainly building a good reputation for yourself online atrepparttar 118987 moment - how did your current online venture come to be?

MN: I came acrossrepparttar 118988 so popular "Make Your Site Sell!" by Ken Evoy and spentrepparttar 118989 next 6 weeks reading it. Byrepparttar 118990 time I was done with it, I was filled with excitement and anticipation to start my own online business. Not sure what to sell yet, I decided to offer web site critiques on my

I remembered that Ken Evoy promised to send a free book to anyone who sent him a useful comment, and I wrote a 1-page feedback about "MYSS!", asking if he could send me his "Make Your Price Sell!" but instead he sent another book.

It was a little disappointing atrepparttar 118991 time, so I filed it somewhere on my hard drive and forgot about it. A few months later, after not making too much progress with my site critiques, I read somewhere that you can make money with writing and selling e-books. A book was recommended to learn how to do it. I was thrilled to recognizerepparttar 118992 title ofrepparttar 118993 book -repparttar 118994 one that Ken Evoy sent me a while ago and I never bothered to read it! It was called "Make Your Knowledge Sell!" and it inspired me to create my "First Business Web Site in 10 days!"

BizE-zine: Do you still critique people's sites?

MN: Yes I do, but only now as a bonus to my "First Business Web Site in 10 days!" customers. When they complete their web site after following my manual, I look it over and give them my feedback.

BizE-zine: I couldn't agree more about Ken Evoy's products. I have both books you mentioned and think they are both in my 'top 5'. As an aside, if anyone would like a free trial copy of 'Make Your Site Sell!2002', it can be downloaded at: http://www.BizE- ryMYSS!

BizE-zine: I know you are a very open person, but can you share with us what % of your income now comes fromrepparttar 118995 Internet?

MN: Oh, I never hide my income - perhaps it's because I was raised in Ukraine, where people are free to ask how much you make, how much your house cost and how much you paid for your car :-)

When I started writing my first e-book, I was hoping for at least some extra cash - $500 would be nice. But what happened next has blown me away. Between February, 2001 and January 2002 I have made a little over $26,000, working only 4 hours a day.

BizE-zine: That is pretty impressive. How long did it take you to start making a profit?

MN: I completed my "First Business Web Site in 10 days!" on January 26, and received my first order on February 2nd, a week later. I rememberrepparttar 118996 customer's name, how much I received, and how high I was jumping aroundrepparttar 118997 house with excitement. That was an absolutely unforgettable moment.

BizE-zine: Have sales been steady overrepparttar 118998 year, or is your business accelerating? Also, did September 11th have a significant impact on you business?

MN: I became a little worried afterrepparttar 118999 September tragedy happened - I was absolutely positive that this isrepparttar 119000 end of my business. But October ended up to be my best month ever!

Since this was my first holiday season since I startedrepparttar 119001 business, I was surprised (and scared!) to see just how slowrepparttar 119002 sales were in December. But now that I know this, I will be more prepared and able to plan ahead next holiday season

BizE-zine: Your book "65 Instant Web Design Answers!" is getting a lot of attention. How did it come to be? What sparkedrepparttar 119003 idea off?

MN: Well, I had to create a 2nd product - one just wasn't enough, I still had a lot of web design skills and ideas that I haven't shared inrepparttar 119004 1st book. The idea of easy-to-follow tutorials on how to do specific things on your web site (like password-protect it, or create a simple feedback form) immediately felt like a winner.

With a 130-page manual behind me,repparttar 119005 "65 Instant Web Design Answers!" seemed less of a challenge now. I completed it within weeks, and since I already had a payment system and a mailing list in place, launching this 2nd product was a lot easier thanrepparttar 119006 first one.

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