Submit your site here!

Written by Jamie Moore

Submit your webstie to these major search engines and have it submitted withinrepparttar next 48 hours. Search engine submission increses your traffic to your website by a factor of two. It is argued that forrepparttar 106219 more sophisticated popular and more successful websites that search engines account for more than 85% of traffic. The

What Do You Want Written On "Your" Ezines Tombstone?

Written by John Stafford

What Do You Want Written On "Your" Ezines Tombstone?

By John Stafford

So you run an ezine and you don't want it to die, that's a good sign. Today I'm going to tell you 3 ways to keep your ezine from becoming an unread, unmarked grave inrepparttar newest internet graveyard.

Personalize, You must stand out fromrepparttar 106218 crowd

There are 330,000+ ezines onrepparttar 106219 net right now. Alot of these are marketing in nature. So if you want to get read,repparttar 106220 best way to do it is to put a little bit of yourself into your ezine.

Don't be afraid to tell them a few personal details or how you're feeling atrepparttar 106221 given moment. This could be as simple as a small editorial section atrepparttar 106222 start of every issue.

Try and write your own content some ofrepparttar 106223 time

It's okay to use other peoples articles in your newsletter. You can't be an expert in everything all ofrepparttar 106224 time. To separate yourself fromrepparttar 106225 clones though, every once in a while write your own issue and treat your subscribers to something you've learned that can benefit them.

Try this, right now think of something you've picked up and write a small article on it to share with your list. Don't worry, this will get easierrepparttar 106226 more you do it.

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