"Stupid Advice"

Written by Rhiannon Hill

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"Stupid Advice"

- by Rhiannon Hill

(c) Rhiannon Hill. All Rights Reserved. http://www.BookShaker.com


Oscar Wilde said he always passed on advice because it was of no use whatsoever to him!

He was a wise man. But we're all wise, aren't we? So why not give advice?

Simple: People usually do know what they're supposed to do in any given situation, yet for one reason or another, they're not doing it!

It is frustrating to look at someone else's dilemma and watch them fail to take what seem obvious remedies.

Remember, everyone is unique, with complex conscious and unconscious motivations. There are many factors to whichrepparttar 141185 advisor is not privy.

We usually just want confirmation of a decision already made. Many of us don't trust ourselves enough to make decisions. Psychologists say we often make a decision within a few seconds, but feelrepparttar 141186 need to go through some checking process.

Pressure on someone to change their decision may work, especially if they are unconfident. But your preferred course of action may not suit them for hundreds of different reasons. They are NOT you and you are NOT in their shoes. It can even lead to disaster.

Feelgood satisfaction forrepparttar 141187 advisor is not a healthy motivation. It's unethical to give inappropriate advice to make yourself feel powerful or needed.

Practical Ways To Save Money When Shopping Online

Written by Chileshe Mwape

There are various ways to save money while shopping online. You can save hundreds or even thousands a year by comparing prices on various products and services before deciding to buy.

To make informed choices when buying products, you need information onrepparttar price, quality andrepparttar 141158 types of products available. You can get this information by shopping around - either directly, or by going to a number of different websites and comparing what is on offer. Look atrepparttar 141159 prices and then weigh up what you will get for your money before you make up your mind.

1. Use shopping bots Shopping bots are essentially search engines for gathering prices for products from a variety of vendors. They allow you to quickly search for merchandise across a wide variety of sites. They are an effective way to quickly get a feel forrepparttar 141160 available deals. Most experts recommend using at least three different shopping bots. Some popular ones include Froogle, BizRate, DealTime (Shopping.com), MySimon, PriceScan, PriceGrabber and Clickthebutton.com

2. Use Discount Sites / Bargain sites These are general discount sites where you'll find deals on everything from clothing and digital cameras to diamond earrings. They get excess merchandise from other retailers and sellrepparttar 141161 merchandise at bargain prices. Examples of bargain sites include Overstock and Smartbargains.

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