Struggling to Make a Decision?

Written by Jeremy Gossman

Struggling to Make a Decision?

by Jeremy Gossman

Every great success story begins when a person makes a decision to do something or not to do something. They make a clear decision to make a significant change.

Amidst allrepparttar opportunity inrepparttar 123289 world many people either become scattered and try to much at once or don't know where to begin.

So where should people start?

I believe people need to start with themselves. Decide what you want from this life and what you want to be.

1. What type of character traits and skills do you want? 2. What type of things do you want for yourself and family? 3. What are your financial desires for this year on up to 20+ years?

Don't take things so seriously!

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Life is sometimes just what it is. Sometimes you can control a situation and other times you cannot. However, we sometimes become so caught up inrepparttar direction and desire that we lose concept ofrepparttar 123288 current location andrepparttar 123289 ultimate destination.

Don't allow things to interfere with your life by absorbing them into your soul and mental workings. It is important to be responsible for yourself and your actions, but not about those things that just go on around you.

Takerepparttar 123290 time to enjoyrepparttar 123291 journey and don't worry so much aboutrepparttar 123292 destination. If we're only worried about where we're going, then we'll miss out onrepparttar 123293 small gifts andrepparttar 123294 important lessons that we need to learn alongrepparttar 123295 way.

Takerepparttar 123296 time to seerepparttar 123297 humorous side of life's occurrences instead ofrepparttar 123298 horrific side of every event. For those events that we cannot control, just enjoyrepparttar 123299 process and let it slide. Grab what you can out ofrepparttar 123300 situation and let it go by without interfering with your direction and desires. For those things that you can control, realize that they are simply part of your life and desired direction. Work to make them benefit you and enjoyrepparttar 123301 process that you made happen.

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