Strong To The Core of Your Being

Written by Nick Nilsson

If you were to ask me which muscle group in your entire body you could work to getrepparttar greatest benefits inrepparttar 115735 shortest amount of time, I would tell you without hesitation, "the core." Strengtheningrepparttar 115736 core can realize tremendous benefits to anyone regardless of his or her training experience and can do so very quickly.

But what isrepparttar 115737 core?

The core, as it’s known in strength training circles, consists of allrepparttar 115738 muscles in your abdominal and lower back areas. This includes allrepparttar 115739 abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus and intercostals) as well asrepparttar 115740 muscles associated withrepparttar 115741 spine (the erector spinae group) andrepparttar 115742 hip flexors (iliacus and psoas, collectively known asrepparttar 115743 iliopsoas).

These muscles all work in harmony to provide stabilization for your body and to transfer power fromrepparttar 115744 legs torepparttar 115745 upper body and vice versa. The core muscles also function to keep your insides in, where they belong!

And why is strengtheningrepparttar 115746 core so important?

Weak core muscles contribute to all kinds of problems inrepparttar 115747 body,repparttar 115748 most prevalent of which is lower back pain. By strengtheningrepparttar 115749 muscles that help supportrepparttar 115750 spine and improve posture, you can dramatically decreaserepparttar 115751 symptoms of lower back pain.

Picture your spine as a column of soda cans stacked one on top ofrepparttar 115752 other. If you wanted to keep that column standing up under stress, what do you think would work better: a "tenser" bandage (as is used for wrapping injured ankles) or Scotch tape? Surerepparttar 115753 tape would keeprepparttar 115754 cans together butrepparttar 115755 cans wouldn’t receive a whole lot support, would they?

When you strengthenrepparttar 115756 muscles ofrepparttar 115757 core, you are in effect turning that Scotch tape into a nice, tight "tenser" bandage, increasingrepparttar 115758 amount of support that your spine gets.

Core training also hasrepparttar 115759 potential to greatly improve sports performance. Watch a baseball pitcher throw a pitch in slow motion. The power ofrepparttar 115760 throw starts atrepparttar 115761 legs, gets transferred throughrepparttar 115762 abdominal area (a.k.a.repparttar 115763 core) then ends up inrepparttar 115764 arm whererepparttar 115765 ball is released. Imagine how much speed and power would be lost from that throw ifrepparttar 115766 core muscles couldn’t efficiently transferrepparttar 115767 force fromrepparttar 115768 legs torepparttar 115769 throwing arm.

The core isrepparttar 115770 one area ofrepparttar 115771 body that will always give you a great return on your investment.

So how do I train my core muscles?

Exercises that workrepparttar 115772 abdominals andrepparttar 115773 lower back arerepparttar 115774 staples of core training. Also, exercises that targetrepparttar 115775 stabilization and power-transfer duties ofrepparttar 115776 core muscles are very effective.

The most basic abdominal training exercise isrepparttar 115777 standard crunch. You can go torepparttar 115778 following URL to seerepparttar 115779 proper technique for this exercise:

But I’ve got an exercise for you that blowsrepparttar 115780 standard crunch right out ofrepparttar 115781 water. The equipment required for this exercise: one rolled-up towel.

The exercise is known asrepparttar 115782 Abdominal Sit-Up. It uses a sit-up-like movement but focuses directly onrepparttar 115783 abdominal muscles rather thanrepparttar 115784 hip flexors (which a regular sit-up does). It is also very safe for your lower back. Another advantage it has overrepparttar 115785 standard crunch is that it targetsrepparttar 115786 stretched (arched back) range of motion ofrepparttar 115787 abs, which is totally missed in standard floor crunch.

How To Do It:

Lie on your back onrepparttar 115788 floor. Roll up a towel or mat and slip it underneath your lower back, just aboverepparttar 115789 waistband (the size ofrepparttar 115790 towel affects your body position during this movement - use a fairly large towel).

Your knees should be bent about 90 degrees. Keep your feet close together and knees fairly wide apart. This preventsrepparttar 115791 hip flexors from having a direct line of pull, helping to minimize their involvement.

10 ways to deal with fear

Written by Julie Plenty

10 ways to reduce fear. > > Fear often interferes with our ability to live more fulfilling lives. Fear isrepparttar critical voice in our head saying: "You'll never succeed, so why try?". Fear makes us listen to those voices and give up before we've even started. > > When we let fear rule our lives, we miss out on opportunities and leads us to dismiss people and situations that could help us reach our goals. Fear comes in different guises and different forms - procrastination for example. Here are 10 ways to reduce and break through fear. > > 1.Write down your fears and how they affect your life. > > 2.Are there things that you're holding back on, because you're frightened that you are not good enough or of making changes generally? You have a limited time on this earth. Deadlines are called deadlines for a reason! > > 3.Listen to your self-talk. Many of us don't so much talk to ourselves as make statements ie "I'll never be able to get that job". This cuts your brain dead and gives it nothing to work on. It's gone for a prolonged holiday! > > 4.Start asking yourself questions. For example, ask "how can I make giving this speech an enjoyable experience?". Now your brain has something to do! Don't expectrepparttar 115734 answer straight away (but be aware of opportunities and situations that provide clues) - but you're going inrepparttar 115735 right direction. > > Get intorepparttar 115736 habit of asking yourself questions rather than making blanket (negative) statements. > > 5. Redefine "mistakes" and learn from them. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes you've made inrepparttar 115737 past and being fearful of starting new relationships, jobs etc. That gets you nowhere. Call a mistake an "opportunity for learning" and seekrepparttar 115738 learning in every "mistake". > > 6. Seekrepparttar 115739 company of supportive people and reduce contact with those who foster feelings of negativity and have a "fearful" approach to life.

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